Annual Audit of Accounts 2016/17
June 24th, 2017
Inskip with Sowerby Parish Council
Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014
Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234)
Inskip-with-Sowerby Parish Council’s annual return is subject to review by an external auditor appointed by Public Sector Audit Appointments Limited under the provisions of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 and the NAO’s Code of Audit Practise. The appointed auditor for Inskip-with-Sowerby Parish Council is:
Arcadia House,
Maritime Walk,
Ocean Village,
SO14 3TL
Phone: 023-8088-1941
Any person interested has the right to inspect the accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, and receipts and other documents relating to these records or documents. These documents are to be made available on reasonable notice by application to the Parish Clerk between the hours of 10am and Noon on working days between 26th June 2017 and 4th August 2017.
Local electors and their representatives have rights to question the auditor about the accounts and object to the accounts or any item in them. Written notice of an objection must first be given to the auditor and a copy sent to Inskip-with-Sowerby Parish Clerk. The auditor can be contacted at the above address during the inspection period which commences on 26th June 2017 and ends on 4th August 2017.
A copy of annual accounting statement and of the relevant pages of the annual return submitted to the external auditor are appended:
In addition, the following information had already been made available on this website recorded in the minutes of the Inskip-with-Sowerby Parish Council AGM:
• Details of public land and building assets owned by the Parish Council: Carr House Green Common, an area of open land at Carrs Green, Inskip covering 60.37 acres, purchased in 1955 for the sum of £5. A number of commoners have rights to graze this land;
• Details of all items of expenditure over £100:
Date Details Amount
21/04/16 Admin costs £249.60
21/04/16 Parish Council Insurance £522.91
21/04/16 Admin expenses £183.50
21/04/16 Village maintenance £384.00
19/05/16 Admin costs £201.60
19/05/16 Village maintenance £288.00
19/05/16 Charitable Donation - British Heart Fund £400.00
16/06/16 Admin costs
16/06/16 Village maintenance
21/07/16 Admin costs £476.80
21/07/16 PAYE £119.20
21/07/16 Admin expenses £132.45
21/07/16 Village maintenance £288.00
21/07/16 Wyre in Bloom costs - bedding plants £446.88
20/08/16 IT Provisioning £1344.00
22/09/16 Admin costs £480.00
22/09/16 PAYE £120.00
22/09/16 Village maintenance £576.00
20/10/16 Admin expenses £181.63
20/10/16 Auditors Fees £156.00
20/10/16 Admin costs £300.00
20/10/16 Village maintenance £288.00
17/11/16 Admin costs £218.40
17/11/16 Village maintenance £384.00
19/01/17 Admin costs £518.40
19/01/17 PAYE £129.60
19/01/17 Admin expenses £143.12
19/01/17 Village maintenance £192.00
19/01/17 YIPS Room Rental £200.00
16/02/17 Admin costs £120.00
16/03/17 Admin costs £300.00
16/03/17 Charitable Donation – NW Air Ambulance £100.00
Note: Value Added Tax has been recovered whenever charged