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Parish Council meeting minutes May 2021

Parish Council meeting minutes May 2021

June 18th, 2021

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on: Thursday 20th May 2021 on Carrs Greens Common, Inskip (and subsequently at the Inskip Bowling Club pavilion)

Cllr Phil James (PJ – Chair)
Cllr Carol Berry (CB)
Cllr Martin Delaney (MD)
Cllr Chris Houghton (CH)
Cllr Alan Lingard (AL)

Clerk: Mike Ainsworth (MA)

Members of the Public: none

Apologies: Cllr Geoff Carter

Meeting opened: 19:00
Meeting closed: 19:50


1. Open Forum for the general public
2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 15th April 2021
3. Financial matters
4. Carrs Green
5. Any other business

Next meeting Scheduled for: Thursday 17th June 2021 at 8pm


Chair: Cllr. Phil James
Date: 17th June 2021

1. Open Forum – no members of the public were present, though one member of the public had emailed a written submission about the Common to the Parish Clerk, which had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would reply on behalf on the Parish Council.
Action 5.21/1 – MA to respond to member of the public who had written with regards to the Common

2. Minutes of Last Meeting – approved as read.

3. Financial Matters

3.1. The following payments were approved at the meeting: Clerk Salary; PAYE; Lengthsman’s fees; Parish Council Insurance; Room Rental for forthcoming Parish Council meetings; charitable donation (NW Air Ambulance); Carrs Green maintenance.

3.2. With regards to Parish Council insurance, the Parish Clerk confirmed that the policy does not cover fly tipping, nor do their underwriters offer same under the Parish Council insurance package. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would seek alternative cover for this risk.
Action 4.21/7 – carried forward

4. Carrs Green

4.1. Parish Councillors were concerned that if groundworks are postponed until after the bird breeding season that wet conditions might prevent further activity this season and that grant money might be lost as a result. Parish Councillors agreed to carry out a close visual inspection of the area targeted for groundworks in conjunction with contractor allowing groundworks to commence sooner rather than later. It was suggested that Fylde Bird Club be invited to attend the site inspection.
Action 5.21/2 – MA to liaise with contractor and Fylde Bird Club with regards to Carrs Green groundworks site inspection

4.2. Parish Councillors also asked the Parish Clerk to chase up the boardwalk contractor and to advise him of the risk that if the work is not completed soon that funding might be withdrawn.
Action 5.21/3 – MA to liaise with boardwalk contractor with regards to timely action to install boardwalk

4.3. With regards to control of self-seeded trees it was proposed that the Lancashire Wildlife Trust be asked for advice and guidance if they are able to assist. It was accepted that they might require a fee but an estimate for professional services had been included in the estimates submitted to the Lancashire Environmental Fund.
Action 5.21/4 – MA to liaise with Lancashire Wildlife Trust with regards to advice and guidance on self-seeded trees growing on the Common

5. Any Other Business

5.1. Wyre-in-Bloom – Cllr. Lingard reported that there was a Wyre-in-Bloom zoom call coinciding with the Parish Council meeting and that the plan was to carry out judging this year. He also reported that the Great British Spring Clean is planned for Friday 4th June, which he will attend. The Parish Council agreed that he purchase a litter picker ahead of the event.

5.2. The Parish Council discussed a complaint raised by member of the public with respect to a Parish Council submission about a recent successful planning application. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would submit a reply on behalf of the Parish Council. In addition to the agreed text it was suggested that the response also indicate that the Parish Council felt that the matter should now be closed.
Action 5.21/5 – MA to respond to member of the public with regards to complaint raised about Parish Council submission about a recent successful planning application

5.3. Cllr. James raised the subject of a complaint raised with Wyre Council with regards to the handling of a recent planning application. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk should request a further review by an independent senior officer. Cllr. James also suggested that the request include reference to calls made to planning officials and an email sent to planning officials and to the Planning Committee Chair.
Action 5.21/6 – MA to submit request for further review of planning complaint to Wyre Council

5.4. Parish Councillors noted the excellent quality work in refurbishment of the play area and of the tennis court (with the exception of one section of safety surface that might be a trip hazard). All that remained outstanding on the tennis court was to repair the fencing and to paint the white lines. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk write to thanks Wyre Cllr. Cartridge for his assistance noting the couple of outstanding issues.
Action 5.21/7 – MA to write to Cllr. Cartridge thanking him for his assistance in resolving issues with the play area and the tennis court noting a couple of outstanding issues

5.5. Cllr. Lingard advised that he had yet to thread the new tennis net wire. Councillors inspected the shed where the tennis nets are currently held and Cllr. Houghton agreed to supply details of a new secure box to be located nearer the tennis court.
Action 4.21/2 – carried forward

5.6. Cllr. Delaney asked whether we were any closer to persuading LCC to install deer warning signage on the approaches to the Common. He was reminded that LCC would take advice from the British Deer Society on deer sightings. Cllr. Delaney asked that this matter be followed up.
Action 5.21/8 – MA to liaise with LCC / BDS with regards to deer sightings

5.7. It was agreed to invite Borough and County Councillors to future meetings.

5.8. Parish Councillors asked if the mobile telephony signal apparent interference issue had been resolved. The Parish Clerk reminded members that the Defence Digital Secretariat had advised that DHFCS Inskip operated at frequencies very far below those at which the 3G/4G/5G mobile phone systems operate and that this large separation of the frequencies, in conjunction with the fact that the transmitters at DHFCS Inskip have been carefully designed and are maintained to operate efficiently at their assigned frequencies, meant that there is an extremely low probability for out-of-band interference to mobile phone signals. Notwithstanding this assurance Parish Councillors continued to hold the view that there must be some connection between operations at DHFCS Inskip and mobile signal interference locally. Cllr. James re-iterated concerns that such interference, whatever the cause, might result in a tragedy if an emergency call cannot be completed successfully and it was agreed that the Parish Clerk should write further to Rt. Hon. Ben Wallace MP.
Action 12.20/3 – carried forward