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Parish Council meeting minutes October 2019

Parish Council meeting minutes October 2019

November 21st, 2019

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on:  Thursday 17th October 2019 at the YIPS Centre, Nelson Gardens

Cllr Phil James (PJ – Chair)
Cllr Carol Berry (CB)
Cllr Geoff Carter (GC)
Cllr Martin Delaney (MD)
Cllr Chris Houghton (CH)
Cllr Alan Lingard (AL)

Clerk:  Mike Ainsworth (MA)

Members of the Public: Mr. Dean Faria; Mr. Paul Gibbs; one other member of the public

Apologies: None

Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter

Meeting opened:    20:00

Meeting closed:    21:35


  1. Open Forum for the general public
  2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 19th September 2019
  3. Matters arising from the last meeting
  4. New Business:
    • Planning applications
    • Correspondence
    • Carrs Green
    • Financial matters
    • Wyre-in-Bloom
  5. Any other business

Next meeting Scheduled for:  Thursday 21st November 2019 at 8pm


Chair:  Cllr. Phil James
Date:  21st November 2019

1. Open Forum

1.1. Mr. Dean Faria (DF) asked about repairs to the lighting in the Car Park (previous action 9.19/10 refers). He was advised that the Clerk had engaged a local electrician and the Clerk agreed to follow up seeking progress.

1.2. DF explained that the Inskip Youth Club wished to raise its profile and asked about consent to erect an information board on Nelson Gardens and to erect signposts at School Lane and at Manor Road pointing towards the Youth Club. With regard to a noticeboard Councillors said that they had no problem in principle but suggested they might consider working together with the Bowling Club in order to pool resources. With regard to signposts Cllr. James advised that the Youth Club would need LCC approval if the proposal was to erect signs on lampposts. It was agreed that provided DF advised on location then the Parish Council would be able to assist by also contacting LCC on their behalf.
Action 10.19/1 – DF to supply details of proposed location of signposts
Action 10.19/2 – MA to liaise with LCC with regard to erection of signposts pointing toward the Youth Club

1.3. A further publicity idea would be to include details on the Youth Club on the Parish Council website. Councillors agreed that this was a good idea provided the Youth Club supply the content.
Action 10.19/3 – DF to supply content for Inskip Youth Club page for inclusion on Parish Council website

1.4. Mr. Paul Gibbs asked whether the Parish Council would be able to publicise an event that he had organised to raise funds for Prostate Cancer UK. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would place notices on the noticeboard and on the Parish Council website.
Action 10.19/4 – MA to place notices on noticeboard and website publicising Prostate Cancer UK event

At this point members of the public left the meeting.

2. Minutes of Last Meeting – approved as read.

3. Matters Arising

3.1. The following outstanding actions were cleared:
4.19/6 – reclaim rough ground adjacent to Bowling Club
7.19/6 – to liaise with Bowling Club with regard to overgrown shrubbery
7.19/7 – to commission works to the Bowling Club shed
9.19/2 – to submit objections to Cross House Farm, Moss Side Lane planning application (withdrawn)
9.19/3 – to notify Preston City Council of inaccuracy in planning documentation
9.19/4 – to report hedge cutting debris to LCC Highways
9.19/5 – to submit application to Lancashire Environmental Fund
9.19/7 – to advise owner of Carr House Farm of the rejection of his offer for compensation
9.19/8 – to order wreath from Royal British Legion
9.19/9 – to contact farmer with regard to repair of stile on Pinfold Lane
9.19/11 – to liaise with Create Homes to ensure that they prune recently laid hedges

3.2. The following actions were carried forward:
7.19/2 – to ask LCC to carry out speed surveys and ascertain whether rumble strips are required: it was agreed that the Parish Clerk would follow up with LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter;

8.19/5 – to liaise with Wyre with regard to doggie bins on the Common: it was agreed that the Parish Clerk would seek assistance from the Wyre Council Chief Executive in progressing this matter (see also para. 5.2 below);

9.19/1 – to provide details of SpID available on-line including its cost: Jonathan Palmer had supplied details of a SpID available for purchase on the internet. The Parish Clerk highlighted that on top of the headline cost the provision of power would involve additional expense. Parish Councillors were also concerned that LCC might need to approve any device placed on the highway and it was agreed that the Clerk should ascertain what products were approved for use on Lancashire highways;

9.19/6 – to prepare an application for funding from Awards For All: Parish Councillors offered suggestions to improve the draft application;

9.19/10 – to engage a local electrician to replace light bulbs on Bowling Green carpark: para. 1.1 above refers, it was agreed that the Parish Clerk would follow up;

9.19/12 – to maintain bench adjacent to the post box on Preston Road: no action to date owing to inclement weather.

4. New Business

4.1. Planning Applications

4.1.1. The following applications were referred to the Parish Council for comment:
19/00978/COUQ – change of use of existing agricultural building to form one residential dwelling: Pad End Farm, Pinfold Lane: Cllr. Lingard recused himself as he is the applicant. Cllr. James noted that the application is similar to a number of recent applications that have been approved and that if the Parish Council were to raise objections it was unlikely that they would make a substantive impact on the decision of the planning authority. No issues were raised

19/00773/FUL – erection of replacement garage / outbuilding at Lodge Cottage, Preston Road: revised information: no further issues were raised.

4.1.2. Cllr. James highlighted that the terms for the provision of affordable housing were quite strict and properties to be offered as “intermediate sale units” might only be made available exclusively to local residents for a period as short as 4 weeks before being placed on the open market. It was proposed that it would be worthwhile to ensure that residents had advance notice of when units became available.
Action 10.19/5 – MA to liaise with Create Homes / Dewhurst Homes with regard to the availability of affordable homes

4.2. Correspondence

MA highlighted the following correspondence to Councillors for consideration:

4.2.1. LCC – Cosy Homes in Lancashire: poster to be placed on noticeboards
4.2.2. Wyre on behalf of LCC – Licences for Xmas Trees and Decorations
4.2.3. Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations: Parish Councillors felt it important to provide feedback at a polling station must be retained within the village centre
Action 10.19/6 – MA to provide feedback to Wyre Council with regard to Polling Stations
4.2.4. Lancashire 50+ Assembly – newsletter
4.2.5. Inskip Pre-school – advertising banners
4.2.6. Prostate Cancer coffee morning fliers (para. 1.4 refers)
4.2.7. Power for People – request that the Parish Council supports a Local Electricity Bill

4.3. Carrs Green

4.3.1. Application for award from Lancashire Environmental Fund. The Parish Clerk reported that a decision on our ‘expression of interest’ was expected imminently and that if invited to formally apply the application would need to be submitted by early December.

4.3.2. Application to Awards For All England. Parish Councillors offered suggestions to improve the draft application, including the type of activities that might form part of a Walking Festival and also highlighting the need for indemnity insurance for any such event. The Parish Clerk agreed to obtain an estimate of such insurance for budgetary purposes.
Action 10.19/7 – MA to obtain estimate of cost of indemnity insurance to cover the organising of a Walking Festival

4.3.3. The Parish Clerk also reported that one of the contractors who had been invited to tender for provision of the proposed boardwalk had written offering to amend his quotation if required. MA reported that he had replied thanking him and advising that the offer would be taken into account in due course.

4.4. Financial Matters

4.4.1. The Parish Clerk distributed a financial statement covering the first 6 months of the financial year. It was agreed that it appeared to show a potential underspend of about £900 this year, which would need to be understood and taken into account when next year’s budget is prepared.

4.4.2. The Parish Clerk also presented the 2019 draft Risk Assessment and Management Report, which was reviewed and approved by the Parish Council.

4.4.3. Payments approved at the meeting: Clerk Salary; PAYE; Lengthsman’s fees.

4.4.4. The Parish Clerk reported an error in calculating Clerks Expenses signed off at last meeting. It was agreed that this sum would be carried forward for inclusion in the next Clerks Expenses claim.

4.5. Wyre-in-Bloom – Cllr. Lingard reported that he would be attending the awards ceremony on 1st November and that he had passed on the invite to attend the ceremony to a member of the public whose garden display had been commended by the judges.

5. Any Other Business

5.1. Cllrs. Berry and Houghton agreed to carry out routine checks of the defibrillators and report back to the Parish Clerk.

5.2. Cllr. James highlighted recent complaints of dog fouling. It was agreed that School Lane was a particular concern and that the Parish Clerk would ask Wyre Council about the placement of penalty warning notices and the provision of doggie waste bag dispensers (outstanding action 8.19/5 refers).

5.3. Cllr. James reported that ‘In Focus’ were seeking distributors in the Inskip area and it was proposed that this might be included as a News item on the Parish Council website.
Action 10.19/8 – MA to liaise with ‘In Focus’ with regard to publicising their campaign to recruit distributors