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Parish Council meeting minutes – October 2018

Parish Council meeting minutes – October 2018

November 15th, 2018

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on:  Thursday 18th October 2018 at the YIPS Centre, Nelson Gardens

Cllr Phil James (PJ – Chair)
Cllr Carol Berry (CB)
Cllr Martin Delaney (MD)
Cllr Chris Houghton (CH)
Cllr Alan Lingard (AL)

Clerk:  Mike Ainsworth (MA)

Members of the Public:  LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter

Cllr Geoff Carter (GC); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Sue Pimbley

Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Sue Pimbley; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter

Meeting opened:  20:00
Meeting closed:     22:10


  1. Open Forum for the general public
  2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 20th September 2018
  3. Matters arising from the last meeting
  4. New Business:

4.1.    Planning applications
4.2.    Correspondence
4.3.    Carrs Green
4.4.    Financial matters
4.5.    Wyre-in-Bloom

  1. Any other business

Next meeting Scheduled for:  Thursday 15th November 2018 at 8pm


Chair:  Cllr. Phil James
Date: 15th November 2018

  1. Open Forum – LCC Cllr. Salter raised no items at this point and no other members of the public were present.
  1. Minutes of Last Meeting – approved as read.
  1. Matters Arising

3.1.    The Parish Clerk asked that the minutes report that following outstanding actions had been cleared prior to the September Parish Council meeting:

6.18/2 – mowing on the Common
6.18/3 – placement of poppy plaques
7.18/1 – survey Carrs Green residents with regard to traffic calming
7.18/3 – letter of thanks sent to Carrs Green resident
7.18/4 – submit Parish Council concerns with regard to a Planning application
7.18/7 – liaise with solicitor and auctioneer handling sale of Carr House Farm
7.18/8 – liaise with Preston City Council with regard to planning application at Carrs Green
7.18/9 – provide details of new AED pads
7.18/10 – contact church with regard to overgrown state of hedge
7.18/14 – arrange for Knowles Charity to consider donation
8.18/2 – to draft Parish Council Newsletter

3.2.    And reported that the following outstanding actions had been cleared since the last meeting:

9.18/1.3 – to liaise further with Cllr. Salter with regard to traffic calming measures
9.18/1.4 – to seek the erection of Deer Warning and Horse Rider Warning signs
9.18/4.3 – to review Community Housing Fund
7.18/11 – flooding issues at Derby Crescent. The Parish Clerk confirmed action taken by LCC to re-direct the highways gullies at Derby Crescent

3.3.     With regard to the Community Housing Fund the Parish Clerk advised that Phase 1 funding covered the period 2018 up to March 2020 and was for revenue spend for start-up projects, the objective being to fund projects that were not market-driven. Councillors accepted that whilst there were significant opportunities for market-driven developments at Inskip it was not obvious that there were any suitable locations to “deliver locally affordable new homes in places and on sites where commercial speculative house builders cannot”. It was accepted that if a local community group emerged with the objective of developing affordable homes in the neighbourhood then the Parish Council would of course be supportive.

3.4.    The following actions were carried forward:

6.18/8 – reports of low water pressure – AL confirmed that the water pressure here in the YIPS was 1.5 bar and it was agreed that details of ongoing water pressure issues experienced by members of the public would be required in order to progress further with United Utilities and with our MP

7.18/2 – maintaining the area adjacent to the junction of Woods Lane and the B5269

7.18/6 – solicitors letter with regard to track across Common in direction of Carr House Farm

7.18/12 – problem with Parish Noticeboard at Preston Road

8.18/1 – to obtain quote for barriers to protect pedestrians accessing footbridge on Common 9.18/4.1.4 – to make representations to Wyre urging stronger protection in the Local Plan Main Modification for the land to west and north of the School

  1. New Business

4.1.    Planning Applications

4.1.1.  A draft representation in response to the Publication Draft Wyre Local Plan Proposed Main Modifications September 2018 prepared by the Parish Clerk on behalf of the Parish Council was discussed. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk should in addition challenge the reference to a “small” village green (the original Local Plan had included the provision of a village green on the field to the east of the School).

4.1.2.  The Parish Clerk highlighted the LCC Draft Revised Minerals and Waste Local Plan and the Hillhouse International Enterprise Zone Masterplan. With regards to the former Cllr. James identified that any future proposal to allow sand extraction at Cinder Lane would need to be challenged owing to the potential traffic impact. It was agreed that he would review so that any issues could be raised before the representation window closes on 28th November.
Action 10.18/1 – PJ to identify whether sand extraction at Cinder Lane would be allowed within the LCC Draft Minerals and Waste Local Plan and if so to detail Parish Council objections

4.1.3.  The following applications were approved by Wyre Council:

18/00863/AGR – Prior notification for a roof over an existing silage pit and yard area: Poplar Grove Farm Preston Road Crossmoor

17/01083/OUT – outline application for the erection of up to two dwellings with access applied for (all other matters reserved): Green Farm Carrs Green

18/00814/AGR – prior notification for the installation of a 2.4m wide access track – Wyre decision that prior notification was not required

4.1.4.  The following new applications were noted:

Preston City Council 06/2018/0912 – Prior notification for change of use of 2 agricultural buildings to residential use at Carr House Farm, Preston Road
Action 10.18/2 – MA to advise Preston City Council of Parish Council objections to this development

18/00928FUL – single storey rear extension at Knowle Pad Farm Cottage. No issues identified.

18/00938/FUL – replacement office building and store at Part Keeps Barn, Hornby Lane. Concerns were raised with regard to the height profile of the proposed development and whether additional traffic would be generate to and from the site
Action 10.18/3 – MA to advise Wyre Council of Parish Council comments on planning application 18/00938/FUL (Part Keeps Barn)

18/00949/LMAJ – erection of 2 agricultural buildings for poultry production with associated feed bins, gate house, hardstandings, and drainage attenuation pond at Myrepole Farm, Rapley Lane. Concerns were raised with regard to the traffic volumes that would be generated by this development and whether local lanes were suitable to carry the proposed increased traffic volumes.
Action 10.18/4 – MA to advise Wyre Council of Parish Council comments on planning application 18/00949/LMAJ (Myrepole Farm)

4.2.    Correspondence

MA highlighted the following correspondence to Councillors for consideration:

4.2.1. Royal Mail – Mail Scam poster to be displayed on Parish Noticeboards
4.2.2.  LCC – Consumer Alerts poster to be displayed on Parish Noticeboards
4.2.3.  LCC – Parish and Town Council Conference
4.2.4.  LCC – licencing of Christmas Trees displayed on public highways
4.2.5.  Poppy Trail launch invitation
4.2.6.  “The Final Homecoming” notice – displayed on Parish Noticeboards
4.2.7.  Outdoor Fitness Equipment brochure
4.2.8.  LCC Snow Clearing invitation to tender
Action 10.18/5 – MA to provide local farms with details of LCC snow clearing invitation to tender

4.3.    Carrs Green

4.3.1.  The Parish Clerk reported that the consultant approached by the Parish Council to advise on the development of the Common and on applying for grants would now attend the November meeting. It was agreed that the Parish Council should discuss plans for parking places, paths, noticeboards, etc. with him when he attends.

4.3.2.  The Parish Clerk reported that a Commoner had mown further areas of the Common in September. Concern was raised at the temporary fencing that remained in position and it was agreed that the Clerk would write to the Commoner thanking him for his assistance in mowing areas of the Common but also explaining that temporary fencing should not be left up for more than six months at a time.
Action 10.18/6 – MA to write to Commoner thanking them for the mowing carried out on the Common this summer but asking that temporary fencing be taken down after six months

4.4.    Financial Matters

4.4.1.  The Parish Clerk presented the half-yearly financial statement and the 2018 Risk Register, which were approved by the Parish Council.

4.4.2.  Parish Councillors were reminded that the Precept for 2019 is due on 14th January and as a result a budget for the next financial year needs to be agreed ahead of that point. The Parish Clerk proposed that he intended to assume a scale increment in personnel costs for planning purposes for the coming year as the payment rates had been remained unchanged over a number of years. The Parish Clerk was asked to research current rates for Clerks and Lengthsmen.
Action 10.18/7 – MA to prepare budget proposal for 2019 financial year
Action 10.18/8 – MA to research current payment rates for Clerks and Lengthsmen

4.4.3.  Payments approved at the meeting: Clerk salary; PAYE; Clerks Expenses, Newsletter publishing costs; Wyre-in-Bloom costs; Lengthsmans fees; donation made as gesture of appreciation (see Para. 5.2 below).

4.5.    Wyre-in-Bloom – it was confirmed that a claim made to Wyre Council covering all Parish Council costs has been paid.

  1. Any Other Business

5.1.    The Parish Clerk reported that he was still awaiting delivery of a wreath ordered from the Royal British Legion. It was agreed that on receipt of the wreath the Clerk would liaise with Cllr. Lingard.

5.2.    The Parish Council discussed the most appropriate means to thank a member of the public from outside the area who had volunteered to provide advice and guidance to the Inskip Residents Action Group (IRAG), detailing planning objections to the Wyre Local Plan and attending multiple sessions of the Public Examination of the Local Plan at which they presented the case on behalf of the Inskip community. It was agreed that the Parish Council should make a donation as gesture of appreciation for their efforts with regard to Wyre Local Plan.
Action 10.18/9 – MA to write to a member of the public thanking them for their efforts in support of the Inskip community in challenging the Wyre Local Plan