Inskip in Bloom
February 8th, 2017
I am pleased to let you all know that Inskip was awarded a Silver Certificate as part of the Britain in Bloom North West Competition in 2016. We have also received our scoring sheets from the judges that gives an indication of where we have done well and where we have an opportunity to improve. As always a big thank you goes to Andrew the lengths man for his tireless work keeping the village tidy and well groomed. We would also like to say a big thank you to the villagers that contribute in a big way. We always receive great feedback on the general appearance of the village and it’s only when you walk round the village in full you realise it’s something to be very proud of. Areas commented on this year where the litter free condition of the park so a big thank you to our young villagers and the Bowling Green as well as the places of worship. A big thank you to everyone.
Could we do better? Do we want to do better? Inskip receives a sum of money from Wyre Council to spend as it wishes in connection with the Wyre in Bloom initiative. On the whole the ordering, planting and decisions on the planting scheme are done by myself with guidance from my wife Jennifer as I wouldn’t pretend to be a gardener as well as couple of willing volunteers when it comes to getting everything planted. If we do want to do better I believe we need some new ideas and new people to get involved. All the surrounding villages etc. that have gone on to get higher awards have had a small group of dedicated villagers focusing on the one task. If you think you could help or would like to be part of a small group of people deciding on Inskip next planting scheme please get in touch. It is rewarding and it is a fun thing to be involved with. It doesn’t need to take up too much of your time. As the saying goes, many hands make light work so get a friend or two to put themselves forward at the same time. There must be someone out there with greener fingers than me?
Please feel free to contact me for a chat and we can see where it goes from there.
Alan Lingard
Tel 01995 679239