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DRAFT minutes of meeting September 2024

DRAFT minutes of meeting September 2024

September 26th, 2024

Please note:  These minutes are published in DRAFT formation and will not have full council approval until the next Council meeting on 17th October, next.


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on:  Thursday 19th September, 2024 at YIPs Centre, Inskip


Cllr Carol Berry (CB) Chair

Cllr Nick Danby (ND)

Cllr Dean Faria (DF)

Cllr Phil James (PJ)

Cllr Geoff Carter (GC)


Cllr Peter Cartridge (PC)


Clerk:  Susan Gilbert (SG)

Members of the Public:               



Cllr Sam Readyhough


Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter

Meeting opened:            19:00

Meeting closed:              21.00



  1. Open Forum
  2. Minutes of the last meetings held 15th August 2024 and 26th August 2024.
  3. Footpaths report – Mr Brian Dearnaley
  4. Wyre in Bloom – Claire Nash
  5. Neighbourhood Plan
  6. Matters Arising from last meeting
  7. Highways
  8. Planning
  9. Carrs Green
  10. Defib check confirmation
  11. AOB
  12. Parish Admin

Next meeting Scheduled for:  Thursday 17th October, 2024

Status:  DRAFT

 Chair: Cllr Carol Berry

Date:  (approval date will be inserted here)



  1. Open Forum

1.1 A resident commented that there was an issue with dogs not on the lead, particularly on School Lane and was concerned that his dog would be threatened also that there were cases of dogs barking constantly in certain homes. Also dog mess is still a problem. Cllr Berry suggested that it would be included in FB and our next newsletter.

1.2 Representatives from the police attended and advised that they had increased problems with youths coming into the villages from elsewhere and trying car doors, looking for portable valuables. They advised to lock doors to cars and houses as insurance would not be valid.

1.3 A resident asked that a bus shelter is provided, it was explained this had been requested and refused but council were exploring other ways of providing.


  1. Minutes of the last meetings – held Thursday 15th August, 2024 and 26th August, 2024.

Approved as read


  1. Footpaths Report

3.1 Footpath 18 is now open and passable following maintenance from our contractor.

3.2 Following a decision made at last month’s meeting to make representations to LCC under S130(6) regarding their failure to repair footpaths 10 and 41. After a discussion with Mr David Goode, Public Rights of Way Manager for LCC it has been decided to pause this decision in the interest of harmony and to find another way to solve this problem. LCC Highways have since agreed to make good this footpath in the next few weeks/months with kissing gates where required.

3.3 Footpath 11 – Higham Side to Walker House is impassable where the stile is broken, clerk to request this footpath be repaired

3.4 Footpath 28, the corrugated iron sheet has been put back over this path, clerk to report to LCC. 


  1. Wyre in Bloom

4.1 Treescapes, LCC have agreed to a grant to make a community garden at the rear of YIPs which Claire Nash and the volunteer team will organise in the near future.

4.2 Britain in Bloom awards ceremony will take place on 31st October at Bolton Wanderers Football Stadium, Cllr Berry offered to accompany Claire Nash.

4.3 The In Bloom team asked council whether the grass verges dug up during the cable laying process on Preston Road will be made good and by whom. LCC have confirmed that the contractors will reinstate like for like. Clerk to report to LCC that the repair work Energetics have done so far to the verges is not sufficient. 


  1. Neighbour Plan

5.1 Cllr Faria asked that the Neighbourhood Plan Roadmap be professionally printed. Clerk to make enquiries.

5.2 Cllr Cartridge explained that Wyre Council had a huge new housing target and predicted that Inskip would get a lot of allocation put on it as available land in other areas was limited. A resident asked what infrastructure would be provided – Cllr Cartridge thought it would be very little.   His main concern would be sewage removal.

5.3 Cllr Berry asked whether CIL money could be given to Inskip, Cllr Cartridge could not guarantee but would make enquiries.


  1. Matters arising from last meeting

6.1 Following a meeting held on 26th August, 2024 an objection statement in response to Wyre’s New Local Plan has been compiled, registered with Wyre and posted on pc website and noticeboards. Wyre have acknowledged receipt and will contact again at key stages in the planning process.

6.2 Wyre Environmental Health have been contacted regarding professional dog walkers filling the public waste bins with dog waste. The answer was ambiguous as the dogs do not belong to the dog walking business and the walkers were being prudent about picking up after them.

6.3 The contractor assigned to refurbish the bench on Preston road has reported that the bench is broken and needs to be repaired to make it safe.  Cllr Faria and Cllr James agreed to see if they could fix it themselves.


  1. Highways

7.1 A temporary road closure has been advised on Preston road, from the junction at Hornby Lane to the junction at Pinfold Lane from 26th September to 24th October 2024 or until the work is completed. The bus service will be re-routed from the Derby Arms to Elswick via Wharles and will be available to hail at the Derby Arms. Details have been posted on the website, noticeboards and social media. Normal traffic will be re-routed via Pinfold Lane, Moss Lane, Brock Road, White House Lane and Watery Gate Lane. 


  1. Planning

8.1 Proposals are ongoing to convert Lower House Farm (Woodplumpton parish) to a solar farm. The planning company (Green tech) have invited Inskip Parish council to attend future meetings/be kept informed of progress. Councillors accepted invitation.

8.2 The owners of the barn at Pad End have submitted a new appeal to Wyre Planning against the enforcement notice to demolish. 


  1. Carrs Green

9.1 The grassed on area on Woods Lane that is prone to fly tipping has been flailed and bushes cut back to open up the space so as not to provide camouflage for illegal tipping. CCTV signs have been put in place.

9.2 Graeme Nuttall, Wyre Rangers, has been contacted to ask whether his team can cut back and pollard on Carrs Green. Awaiting response.

9.3 A local man has asked for permission to fell and remove two dead trees on Carrs Green, permission has been granted.

9.4 Our contractor has completed the following works on the common:

     Cutting bushes and flailed grass on the fly tip corner,

     Cutting both sides of the stone footway, cutting around life rings by the ponds, cutting round the footpath on the south side of the common. 


  1. Defib check

10.1 Replacement electrode pads have been ordered and received for four defibs.

10.2 Defib check will take place when new pads have been installed.


  1. AOB

11.1 Clerk enquired whether council require her to order a Poppy Wreath as in previous years for  Remembrance Day. Council confirmed

11.2 Champion Grant – LCC.  Council agreed to request a grant to refurbish the benches on Preston Road 


  1. Parish Admin

12.1 Grant money has been received from LCC to enable a Community Orchard.

12.2 Cheques presented for signature:

Chq 1462 – Wel Medical – Electrode Pads

Chq 1463 –  Easyspace – Domain protection

Chq 1464 – Clerk Wages

Chq 1465 – W.A.Scott, Carrs Green maintenance.

Chq 1426 –  LV Berry – lengthsmen


  1. Ongoing Issues:

13.1 Create homes – Heras fencing on Pinfold Lane corner.