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Approved Minutes of meeting July 2024.

Approved Minutes of meeting July 2024.

July 24th, 2024

These minutes were approved on 15th August, 2024

 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on:  Thursday 18th July, 2024 at YIPs Centre, Inskip



Cllr Carol Berry (CB) Chair

Cllr Samantha Readyhough (SR) Vice Chair

Cllr Nick Danby (ND)

Cllr Dean Faria (DF)

Cllr Phil James (PJ) 

Clerk:  Susan Gilbert (SG)


Members of the Public:               



Cllr Geoff Carter, Cllr Sue Catterall


Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter


Meeting opened:            19:00

Meeting closed:               21.00


  1. Open Forum
  2. Minutes of the last meeting held 20th June, 2024.
  3. Footpaths report – Mr Brian Dearnaley
  4. Wyre in Bloom – Claire Nash
  5. Village Plan
  6. Matters Arising from last meeting
  7. Highways
  8. Planning
  9. Carrs Green
  10. Defib check confirmation
  11. AOB
  12. Parish Admin


Next meeting Scheduled for:  Thursday 15th August, 2024 on Carrs Green – (UPDATE-venue  at YIPs Centre.)


Chair: Cllr Carol Berry

Date:   15TH August, 2024.



  1. Open Forum

No public attendance

  1. Minutes of the last meeting – held Thursday 20th June, 2024

Approved as read 

  1. Footpaths Report

Mr Brian Dearnaley and Cllr Berry have made an inspection of the footpath off Higham Side Road.  Clerk has written to PROW to urge them to make good as soon as possible.

  1. Wyre in Bloom

Claire Nash reported that the judging took place on Tuesday 9th July which went well despite the heavy rain.  The feedback was good.  

  1. Village Plan

It was decided that this item be left in abeyance until the next meeting after which time councillors will have attended the Wyre Council Planning meeting due to be held on 23rd July and may have more information of the Wyre Local Plan. 

  1. Matters arising from last meeting

Cllr James has received a quotation for refurbishment of a bench that is in a poor state of repair, this also includes a top up coat of another bench free of charge.  Council agreed to go ahead with the refurbishment and ask advice about maintenance of the other benches.  Clerk to contact Kevin Morris to confirm. 

  1. Highways

7.1 Parish Council have become aware of road works being continued from last year to lay new cabling beneath Preston Road to commence on 29th July until approx. 6th September, 2024.  Clerk to establish whether the bus will continue to run and to notify residents via the website of the disruption to traffic.

7.2  Cllr Berry raised the point that in the interest of safety Hi Vis vests should be worn by the lengthsmen and also the WIB volunteers.  Clerk to make enquiries for supply.

7.3 Cllr Berry also raised the point that grass cutting along the main roads could be dangerous with traffic passing by and asked the clerk to source “Grass Cutting in progress” signs

7.4  The lengthsman asked for clarification on whether or not the weeds should be removed on the roadside and it was agreed that insecticide should not be used but to scrape where possible.

7.5 Cllr Readyhough reported that she had witnessed many drivers on mobile phones and ask what steps pc could take to reduce this.  Cllr Berry suggested that all persons should report incidents:

Lancashire Road Safety Partnership website https://lancsroadsafety.co.uk/submit-concern for speeding concerns

https://doitonline.lancashire.police.uk/ to report mobile phone use whilst driving, report a non urgent crime, submit dashcam footage or contact your PCSO team 

  1. Planning

Nothing to report. 

  1. Carrs Green

9.1 Cllr James has met with the EA to discuss the operation of the flap valves in the streams adjoining the common which may be a contributory factor in the flooding recently.  EA agreed that this was a factor that should be addressed but lack of funds would prevent it. EA suggested the Riparian owner(s) should remedy the problem and could do so without applying for a license.

9.2 PC has written to LCC asking what work has been carried out as reported in the Flood Forum minutes and is awaiting a reply. 

  1. Defib check

All Ok.  The unit at the Church requires a pad change around September/October. 

  1. AOB

11.1 Fly Tipping: A second dump of debris appeared on Woods Lane which was then removed by persons unknown.  In the process of trying to arrange clearance of the dump, pc was informed that fly tipped rubbish should not be sent to the local tip. It was decided that signs should be erected stating the area is under camera surveillance, clerk to ask Wyre or source elsewhere.

11.2. Cllr Danby reported that the information board will be repaired and replaced on Woods Lane in the near future.  Jonathan Newbold has kindly agreed to do the repair.

11.3 Cllr Danby suggested that we approach the new MP Cat Smith to invite her to come and meet the parish council and her new constituents. Councillors agreed that this would be appropriate and Cllr Danby agreed to make contact in the near future.  

  1. Parish Admin
    • Wayleave payment of £62.74 from Electricity North West has been received and banked.
    • Cheques presented for signature:

Chq 1448 – Printer Ink

Chq 1449 – S Gilbert wages

Chq 1450 – LVF Services, lengthsmens’ expenses.