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Approved minutes of AGM and meeting May 2024

Approved minutes of AGM and meeting May 2024

May 23rd, 2024

Minutes approved at a meeting of the parish council – Thursday 20th June, 2024.


Minutes of the AGM and  Parish Council Meeting held on:  Thursday 16th May, 2024 at YIPs Centre, Inskip


Cllr Carol Berry (CB) Chair

Cllr Samantha Readyhough (SR) Vice Chair

Cllr Nick Danby (ND)

Cllr Phil James (PJ)

Cllr Dean Faria (DF) 

Clerk:  Susan Gilbert (SG)

Members of the Public:               



Cllr Geoff Carter, Cllr Peter Cartridge, John Bettle, Cllr Sue Catterall


Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter, John Bettle WBC Environmental .


Minutes of the AGM – Inskip with Sowerby Parish Council 

  1. Minutes of the AGM held 18th May, 2023. 7pm
  2. Chairman’s report : 



The past 12 months have certainly been interesting and very busy for the parish council.

I am extremely proud of what we have achieved. I am grateful to every member of the parish council for the time and effort they contribute on behalf of our residents.

I would like to highlight some of the things we have achieved this year:

Communications with residents – Community event held, improved newsletter circulation, FB page created, early publishing of draft minutes, repair to noticeboard

Community support – Support for new groups starting up at YIPs including Community Kitchen, tennis net box provided, reconnected the power for the Christmas tree at YIPs, Warm Space weekly sessions held, 6th defib installed at Jim Bobs, two additional litter bins installed on Carrs Green

Resident support – Planning issues, anti-social behaviour, flooding on Derby Crescent, flooding on Woods Lane junction, dog fowling, letters sent out requesting hedge trimming, prior notice of running races and cycling events requested

Highways – Permission to park at the church for school drop off, highlighted hazards due to closure of whittle hill, dead dam bridge issues, speed monitoring has taken place in the village and is ongoing, pot holes reported

Carrs Green – Maintenance calendar established around nesting season, action to prevent driving onto the common, footpath improvements

Wyre in Bloom – Gilt awarded by WIB for last year, new WIB committee working on their plans for village including a communal garden near the bowling club

PC admin – Election guidelines established including a reserve for costs, Standing Orders agreed and signed off, high interest rate account opened, storage of PC documents

Looking forward to the next 12 months, there are some things that I believe we should focus on:

Village Plan – we need to look into establishing a village plan so that we have a clear vision of how we want our village to look and feel in the future. The parish council need to agree if we want to invest in a formal neighbourhood plan or simply create our own plan of achievable initiatives. Some sort of plan will assist us with things like:

    • Traffic calming – we need to explore the options as this will help with other issues, such as Dead Dam Bridge and obviously safety for our vulnerable road users
    • New bus shelter – we need to get funding and create something in keeping with the village
    • Improved flood warning on Woods Lane
    • School parking
    • Gateways
    • Welcome signs

We also need to continue with the other actions, such as pushing for action from the Flood Committees, CPR training, plaque on the Common commemorating the work of Mike Ainsworth, picnic benches outside YIPs and the introduction of Young Inskip Parish Council.

All of these things, and everything else that crops up, take up a lot of volunteered time from our councillors and I am very grateful for that. There is also support from residents who take an active interest in our community, whether that is attending the meetings, suggesting ideas or getting involved and making sure things get done. A great example of this is the Wyre in Bloom committee, who’s plans are maturing nicely. It will be good for residents to see the results through the seasons – a real example of community spirit, well done, and thank you!

I would like to welcome our new lengthsman William Thompson and thank him for his efforts so far, despite the awful weather.

And last, but not least, none of this would be possible without the work of our Parish Clerk, Sue Gilbert and I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for her efforts.

Thank you

Carol Berry

Chairman, Inskip-with-Sowerby Parish Council.                                                                      May 2024 


  1. Election of Chairperson

Cllr Readyhough nominated Cllr Berry, seconded by all. Cllr Berry accepted the role

Election of Vice Chairperson

Cllr Berry nominated Cllr Readyhough, seconded Cllr Faria. Cllr Readyhough accepted the role 


Meeting opened: 7.15pm

Meeting closed:   9.00pm


  1. Open Forum
  2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday
  3. Footpaths report – Mr Brian Dearnaley
  4. Wyre in Bloom – Claire Nash
  5. Matters arising from the last meeting
  6. Highways
  7. Planning
  8. Carrs Green
  9. Defib check
  10. AOB
  11. Parish admin

Next meeting Scheduled for:  Thursday 20th June, 2024.


Chair:  Cllr Carol Berry

Date: 20th June, 2024. 


  1. Open Forum

A resident commented that a tree at the side of the tank trap on Carrs Green is beginning to grow across the bridge.  Clerk to ask Will Scott to attend

A resident commented that the end of the boardwalk on Carrs Green is very wet and muddy.

A resident asked whether council had considered the request for picnic benches, discussions took place at the meeting regarding the value of having benches and the basis on which they would be placed on. It was decided to include in the Village Plan for further discussion before agreement.  Possible ongoing project.


  1. Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 18th April, 2024.

Approved as read  

  1. Footpaths report

3.1 Mr Brian Dearnaley reported that the corrugated iron sheet on footpath 28 (Moss Lane) has been removed and left at the side of the path and is at last open to walkers.

3.2 Footpath 10 (Higham Side) is still blocked – Clerk to remind LCC of outstanding work

3.3 Footpath 18 (Carrs Green) has become overgrown again – Clerk to ask Will Scott to cut again.

  1. Wyre in Bloom

4.1 Claire Nash reported that the bedding plants will be collected on 17th May and planting is organised for the following week. Judging will be early July.  She asked Cllr James for the previous portfolio for the Wyre in Bloom so preparation can be made for compilation of a new portfolio for mid June but as he does not have one, a new portfolio will be made. 

  1. Matters arising from the last meeting 

5.1 A reply has been received from LCC regarding the installation of a bus shelter in the village. Whilst LCC are unable to supply they advised that their supplier, Euroshel, could supply a stainless steel shelter for between £5k-£9k depending upon size. Permission to erect a shelter other than those provided by Euroshel would require drawing/plans/location and approval by LCC. It was agreed to include idea in the Village Plan.  Possible ongoing project.

5.2 The bollard at the end of the track on Preston Road has been damaged. Will Scott has kindly agreed to replace.

5.3 Inskip Baptist Church have expressed a wish to display the picture of King Charles III recently acquired by parish council and have taken delivery of same. 

  1. Highways

6.1 The gully outside Pointer House has been repaired by LCC, unfortunately LCC mistakenly dug up the driveway on Pointer House – clerk to complain to LCC.

6.2 A problem has been reported of overhanging hedges on the footpath – Clerk to be given the addresses of those who need to be informed. 

  1. Planning 

7.1 Proposal: Proposed erection of a two storey side and rear extension, and a single storey rear extension Location: 4 Swan Cottages Sowerby Road Inskip-with-Sowerby, Preston Lancashire – council have no objection

7.2 Application Number: 24/00380/LAWP Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed erection of single storey rear extension. Location: 3 St Peters Drive Inskip Preston Lancashire PR4 0SP – council have no objection.

7.3 Cllr James has been invited to a Local Planning Meeting at WBC on 4th June and will report to parish at the next meeting

7.4 Two approvals have been made by WBC Planning for vehicular access – previously notified. 

  1. Carrs Green

8.1 Information board, Cllr Danby still trying to contact Jonathan Newbold. 

  1. Defib check

9.1 All checked and OK 

  1. AOB

10.1 Wyre Area Committee have requested parish council nominate a representative, it was agreed that both Cllr Faria and Cllr Berry would volunteer.

10.2 A Code of Conduction (WBC) meeting takes place on 30th May, it was agreed that both Cllr Faria and Cllr Berry would attend.

10.3 Cllr Readyhough requested that “Village Plan” be added to monthly agenda.

10.4 A resident has complained about youths riding and behaving badly in the churchyard during the evening. Cllr Faria agreed to speak to the church warden.

10.5 Parish council would like to thank St Peters Church for displaying signs to dissuade dog fouling. 

  1. Parish council admin 

11.1 Cheques presented for signature:

Chq 1415 – YIPs room hire – Warm Spaces Event

Chq 1416 – Nicola Faria – reimbursement of refreshments for Warm Spaces event

Chq 1417 –S Gilbert – reimbursement Freeola Domain renewal

Chq 1418 – W Thompson – Lengthsman expenses

Chq 1419 – S Gilbert – wages

11.2 Zurich Insurance require an up to date asset register to reflect the Bowling Pavilion and the wooden hut between YIPs and Bowling Green. It was agreed that the replacement value should be in the region of £50,000 for bowling green pavilion and £2000 for the wooden shed. Clerk to confirm with Zurich.