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APPROVED minutes of meeting January 2025

APPROVED minutes of meeting January 2025

January 21st, 2025

Please note:  these minutes are now approved.  Approval date 20th February, 2025.


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on:  Thursday 16th January, 2025 at YIPs Centre, Inskip


Cllr Samantha Readyhough (SR) Vice Chair

Cllr Nick Danby (ND)

Cllr Geoff Carter (GC)

Cllr Dean Faria (DF)

Cllr Phil James (PJ)

 Clerk:  Susan Gilbert (SG)

Members of the Public:    4            

Apologies: Cllr Carol Berry

Cc: Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter

Meeting opened:            19:00

Meeting closed:               20.25


  1. Open Forum
  2. Minutes of the last meeting held 20th November, 2024.
  3. Footpaths report – Mr Brian Dearnaley
  4. Wyre in Bloom
  5. Neighbourhood Plan
  6. Matters Arising from last meeting
  7. Highways
  8. Planning
  9. Carrs Green
  10. Defib check confirmation
  11. AOB
  12. Parish Admin

Next meeting Scheduled for:  Thursday 20th February 2025

Status:  Approved

 Chair: Cllr Samantha Readyhough

Date:  (20th February, 2025)


  1. Open Forum

1.1 A resident complained about overgrown hedges overlapping pavements. Also, residents leaving bins left out during the week, clerk to write to households concerned.

1.2 A resident complained about litter on the roadside on Higham Side, Cllr Faria to contact the litter  picking team to see if it can be included in the round.

1.3 A resident asked whether there was any feedback about speed bumps in Catforth as this would also affect residents in Inskip using the road. Clerk to write to Catforth PC expressing the view that this would not be welcomed by Inskip residents.

2.Minutes of the last meeting – held Thursday 21st November, 2024.

Approved as read

 3.Footpaths Report

3.1 Mr Brian Dearnaley reported twelve months had passed since reports had been lodged with LCC and nothing had been done, in particular footpaths 10 and 28.  Clerk to write to LCC.  Clerk to also write to Steven Catterall, Toad Hall Farm, regarding the debris on the footpath on his land.

3.2 LCC confirmed that the broken footbridge in Bibbys Wood has been reported and also that they can supply finger posts for footpaths if required. Clerk to request more information regarding erection of the posts.

  1. Wyre in Bloom

4.2 The sum of £150 is available from the WIB fund for additional planting.

4.3 The sum of £963 is available from the Community Orchard Grant for purchase of trees

 5.Neighbourhood Plan

5.1 Cllr James has arranged a face to face meeting with Parish Councillors and Wyre Planners at Civic Centre on Tuesday 21st Jan. Two officers from Planning will provide guidance on creating a plan. Outcome will be discussed at the next pc meeting.

 6.Matters arising from last meeting

6.1 Planters on Manor Road and Derby Crescent have been reported as being in need of repair. Cllr Readyhough to liaise with WIB committee regarding types of planters required.  Cllr Carter to obtain prices for wooden/concrete planters.


7.1 The road repair on Preston Road, Crossmoor (adjacent to Council Houses) was again reported to Cllr Matthew Salter, (20th December 2024)  following his agreement to monitor the standard of original repair. Clerk to write to LCC flagging up the depression on the side of the road near the footpath which is hazardous to cyclists, following the cable laying by Energetic.

7.2 The road re-painting of Preston Road is scheduled for January 2025 (depending upon weather)


8.1 Wyre council have received a planning application as follows:

Proposal: Erection of 2 Storey Rear Extension and associated works

Location: Green Nook Farm Carrs Green Inskip-with-Sowerby Preston.  Council had no objections.

 9.Carrs Green

9.1 Malcolm Evans from the Fylde Bird Club has asked permission to erect bird boxes on the common, free of charge, to encourage red listed Tree Sparrows to nest.  Council have given thanks and permission.

9.2 Cllr James has written to Paul Long, Wyre Flood and Cllr Matthew Salter, LCC– describing the flooding experienced at the beginning of the year and requesting more pressure be put on EA and LCC to maintain the blocked road gullies in Catforth and Woods Lane areas, as yet no reply received. Cllr James also pointed out to Paul Long that there was an error in the Flood Forum Minutes, stating  “Carsberry Road” in Inskip was being investigated.  PL acknowledged error but a correction has not yet been received.

10. Defib check

10.1   The unit at the Derby Arms is out of service.  Cllr Berry will remove from the database for the time being.  The unit at Will Scotts is coming close to needing pads replaced, Cllr Berry will check and replace when possible.  All others OK.

11. AOB

11.1 A resident has reported that a dog is living in a car and is concerned for its welfare.  Parish Council was asked if there was any action that could be taken to relieve the situation. Council suggested reporting to RSPCA if in doubt.

11.2 Sgt Elliot Jones – Lancashire Constabulary has requested that each Parish Council donate £150 for the force to obtain e bikes and e scooters to enable officers quicker access to areas not suitable for motor cars to tackle ASB.  Council suggested that he is invited to a meeting to discuss further.

 12.Parish Admin

12.1 An hourly rate for the clerk’s wages for 2025 was agreed by councillors at £17.50 backdated to 1st April, 2024.

12.2  Cheques presented for signature:

Chq 1437 – Easyspace – Domain renewal

Chq 1438 – Easyspace –  Professional email renewal

Chq 1439 –  Lengthsmen expenses LV Berry

Chq 1440 –  S Gilbert – wages

  • 13.Outstanding Issues:

Heras fencing on Pinfold Lane

Footpath maintenance, FPs 10, 41,11, 28

Community Garden

Repair of bench on Preston road

Footbridge repair on footpath 33, Bibbys Wood

Finger posts for indication of footpaths

Footpath map

Information sign Woods Lane

Planters, repair or replacement