Approved minutes of meeting November 21st 2024.
November 27th, 2024
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on: Thursday 21st November, 2024 at YIPs Centre, Inskip
Cllr Geoff Carter (GC)
Cllr Phil James (PJ)
Cllr Samantha Readyhough (SR) Vice Chair
Clerk: Susan Gilbert (SG)
Members of the Public:
Cllr Carol Berry
Cllr Nick Danby
Cllr Dean Faria
Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter
Meeting opened: 19:00
Meeting closed: 20.30
- Open Forum
- Minutes of the last meeting held 17th October, 2024.
- Footpaths report – Mr Brian Dearnaley
- Wyre in Bloom
- Neighbourhood Plan
- Matters Arising from last meeting
- Highways
- Planning
- Carrs Green
- Defib check confirmation
- Parish Admin
- Outstanding Issues
Next meeting Scheduled for: Thursday 16th January, 2025
Status: Approved
Chair: Cllr Sam Readyhough
Date: approval date 16th January, 2025
- Open Forum
1.1 The resident of the Granary on Pinfold Lane attended to report that her neighbour who had erected a building without planning permission had reached the deadline of his appeal against demolition and the matter is now in the hands of the inspectorate.
2. Minutes of the last meeting – held Thursday 17th October , 2024
Approved as read
3. Footpaths Report
3.1 Mr Brian Dearnaley reported that the Higham Side fp is still blocked, Moss Lane fp 28 is still unusable. The footbridge in Bibby’s Wood is still in a damaged state. Fingerposts still need to be installed.
Footnote to 3 3.1 above – Cllr Matthew Salter attended after the public forum had ended and above minute had been raised and agreed to deal with the above footpath issues directly with LCC on pc’s behalf.
4. Wyre in Bloom
4.1 Claire Nash has reported (by email) that planters on Manor Road need replacing and a planter on Derby Crescent is in need of repair. Council requested more information about the location and state of repair of the planters before deciding upon replacement.
4.2 Inskip achieved Silver Award at the award ceremony. Grateful thanks to all volunteers.
5. Neighourhood Plan
5.1 In view of the absentees, this topic is delayed until 2025. Cllr James explained that the initial start to the process was to write to Wyre to ask for permission to form a plan and agreed to provide clerk with the necessary format.
6. Matters arising from last meeting
6.1 Wyre have again been contacted regarding the Heras fencing on Pinfold Lane and we are awaiting a reply.
7. Highways
7.1 There are two depression on Preston Road opposite No. 4 Council Houses which have been repaired but the repair is inadequate. One westbound, one in the middle.
Footnote to 7 7.1 above – Cllr Matthew Salter attended after this minute had been raised and agreed to deal with the above road repair matter directly with LCC on pc’s behalf. The repainting of the road markings after the recent cable laying is inadequate – Cllr Salter also agreed to escalate this to the highways department.
8. Planning
8.1 Carr House Farm – Preston Planning. The waste disposal department have responded to recent planning application to inform that the waste disposal lorry will not go down the track and stated that the landowner consult with the adjoining landowner. A further application has also been lodged for a double garage on the site.
8.2 No new applications on Wyre Planning portal.
9. Carrs Green
9.1 Wyre Rangers attended Carrs Green on 5th and 12th November along with volunteers from the village for cutting back and coppicing. PC extended grateful thanks to all
9.2 Cllr James reported that the electricity cable recently laid on the common is within 2metres of the road. Therefore pc have no comeback from Energetics for laying cables on the common.
9.3 The information sign is not yet in place on the Common. Clerk to liaise with Cllr Danby.
10. Defib check
10.1 As Cllr Berry is not available, the check will be made before the next meeting.
11. AOB
12. Parish Admin
12.1 Budget for 2025/26 was presented to Councillors by clerk. All approved. It was agreed that precept be requested at £14,500.
12.2 Cheques presented for signature:
Chq 1434 – Tickets for WIB award ceremony
Chq 1435 – Printer Ink
Chq 1436 – Clerk’s wages
13. Outstanding Issues
- Heras fencing on Pinfold Lane
- Footpath maintenance, Highways Dept Footpaths 10,41,11,28.
- Community Garden
- Repair of bench on Preston Road
- Footbridge on footpath 33, Bibbys Wood
- Finger posts for indication of footpaths
- Footpath map.
- Information sign Woods Lane
- Planters, repair or replacement.