APPROVED minutes meeting October 2024
October 24th, 2024
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on: Thursday 17th October, 2024 at YIPs Centre, Inskip, APPROVED on 21st November, 2024.
Cllr Carol Berry (CB) Chair
Cllr Samantha Readyhough (SR) Vice Chair
Cllr Geoff Carter
Cllr Nick Danby (ND)
Cllr Phil James (PJ)
Cllr Dean Faria (DF)
Clerk: Susan Gilbert (SG)
Members of the Public:
Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter
Meeting opened: 19:00
Meeting closed: 21.00
- Open Forum
- Minutes of the last meeting held 19th September, 2024.
- Footpaths report – Mr Brian Dearnaley
- Wyre in Bloom
- Neighbourhood Plan
- Matters Arising from last meeting
- Highways
- Planning
- Carrs Green
- Defib check confirmation
- Parish Admin
- Outstanding Issues
Next meeting Scheduled for: Thursday 21st November, 2024
Chair: Cllr Carol Berry
Date: (approval date 21ST November, 2024.)
- Open Forum
1.1 The local police community support officer attended and advised he had nothing specific to report except ongoing problems with theft of Range Rovers.
- Minutes of the last meeting – held Thursday 19th September 2024.
Approved as read
- Footpaths Report
3.1 LCC Highways have agreed to visit footpaths 11 and 28 to inspect and action required work
3.2 Mr Brian Dearnaley presented the following report:
- Mr Brian Dearnaley reported that he had erected footpath direction posts on fp 18
- He reminded council that cattle were reported as being dangerous and pointed residents to for safety information when walking in farming areas.
- The footbridge of fp 33 (continuation of School lane) adjacent to Bibby’s Wood is broken and dangerous, clerk to report.
- The concept of producing a footpath map for the benefit of walkers was discussed, Cllr Faria will liaise with Mr Dearnaley and Cllr Berry.
- Many finger posts are not in place for indication of the footpaths, clerk to report to LCC.
- Wyre in Bloom
4.1 Claire Nash (not present) reported that she was unable to attend the WIB Awards. Cllr Berry, Mrs Speight and Mrs Hinchley will attend the WIB Presentation if tickets are still available. Clerk to order tickets.
- Neighbourhood Plan
5.1 A Roadmap Plan has been professionally printed and distributed to Councillors for their information. Councillors agreed to take it away and study it before making any decisions on the compilation of the Neighbourhood Plan.
5.2 Cllr Faria said that his thoughts on creating a neighbourhood plan were to hold a public meeting in the future (probably springtime) so that residents could have an input into ideas for future development. Cllr James pointed out that the Wyre Local Plan had to go to enquiry before anything was adopted and would therefore take some time before a neighbourhood plan would be useful. It was decided that a newsletter be drawn up in January with a view to holding a public meeting in February. A resident suggested that council comes into the community instead/as well, ie Stay and Play, Saturday night takeaway, various meetings at YIPs etc to spread the idea to residents.
- Matters arising from last meeting
6.1 Wyre council is encouraging residents to report any instances of dog fouling online to ensure all issues are logged and passed through their workload systems.
6.2 Wyre have responded to pc’s request to enforce Create Homes to replace the Heras fencing on Pinfold Lane. Their reply is “ as the fencing is not considered to be permanent, the enforcement cannot exercised”.
- Highways
7.2 LCC and Wyre have both confirmed that the monitor on a lamp post on Mill Lane/Sunningdale has not been erected by them.
- Planning
8.1 Application Number 06/2024/0998 at Carr House Barn, Preston Road, Preston, PR4 0YW one self-build dwelling following demolition of barn. Clerk to question the postcode with Preston Planning. Council agreed that the design of the proposed property was more in keeping than those previously approved.
- Carrs Green
9.1 Graeme Nuttall met with Councillors on site to discuss coppicing and he has agreed that Wyre Rangers will spend two days on 5th & 12th November clearing away brash and cutting lower branches and have suggested that volunteers join in (limited to 5 persons).
- Defib check
10.1 All OK
10.2 Cllr Readyhough reported that the unit at the Derby is overgrown with vegetation. Cllr Berry will endeavor to speak to the landlord about this.
11.1 Council have been approached by a company wanting to install EV chargers in the village. Council to advise that the parish does not own a suitable site.
11.2 On the normal collection day of “blue bins” the collection team were unable to access some properties due to road closure. However, in the following few days they made house to house calls to properties with missed slots asking if the bins were available for collection, which council agreed was very helpful to residents. A letter to be sent to Wyre thanking them.
- Parish Admin
12.1 Preparation of budget for 2025/26 is in progress and will be presented at the next meeting. Clerk asked Councillors if they had any specific projects which should be included. Council agreed that provision for the election costs paid in April 2024 of £4101 should be equaled out over the coming four years. I.e. the duration of the elected committee.
12.2 Cheques presented for signature:
Chq no 1427 – Eyecatchers, printing
Chq no 1428 – British Legion, donation and wreath
Chq no 1429 – K Morris, bench refurbishment
Chq no 1430 – Avast Security
Chq no 1431 – S Gilbert, wages
Chq no 1433- LV Services , lengthsmen
Chq no 1432 – Cancelled (spoiled)
- Outstanding Issues
Heras fencing on Pinfold Lane
Footpath maintenance, Highways Dept. Footpaths 10, 41, 11, 28.
Reinstatement of grass verges by Energetics
Community Garden
Repair of bench on Preston Road
Cutting back on Carrs Green by Wyre Rangers