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APPROVED minutes of meeting June 2024

APPROVED minutes of meeting June 2024

June 24th, 2024


Minutes approved on 18th July, 2024


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on:  Thursday 20th June, 2024 at YIPs Centre, Inskip



Cllr Carol Berry (CB) Chair

Cllr Samantha Readyhough (SR) Vice Chair

Cllr Nick Danby (ND)

Cllr Dean Faria (DF)

Cllr Phil James (PJ)


Clerk:  Susan Gilbert (SG)

Members of the Public:               



Cllr Geoff Carter


Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter


Meeting opened:            19:00

Meeting closed:               21.30


  1. Open Forum
  2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 16th May, 2024
  3. Footpaths
  4. Wyre in Bloom
  5. Village Plan
  6. Matters arising from the last meeting
  7. Highways
  8. Planning
  9. Carrs Green
  10. Defib check
  11. AOB
  12. Parish Council admin

Next meeting Scheduled for:  Thursday 18th July, 2024

Status:  Approved

Chair:  Cllr Carol Berry

Date:18th July, 2024


  1. Open Forum

1.1 John Bettle, Environmental Officer LCC attended the meeting to report on dog fouling, dangerous dogs and fly tipping. Complaints he has received in the past regarding Derby Crescent seem to have stopped. Dog fouling:  he has not had any direct reports regarding this although he presented council with signs to display if required.  Fly tipping: Debris tipped on Woods Lane appeared to be sterile, leaving no clues as to its origin. Mr Bettle suggested that bollards could be erected to prevent parking and therefore fly tipping.  Cllr James suggested that this would cause a nuisance for the landowner/farmer. Mr Bettle advised that if cameras were installed, Wyre would advise on the data protection rules.   He also advised that there are no dangerous dog issues in this area. A resident suggested to Mr Bettle that he uses “In Focus” to spread the message of dog fouling/fly tipping etc which he agreed to.   Clerk to pass on contact details.

1.2 A resident asked whether or not it is legal to use body cams to film people on the street as children have reported that they had been filmed whilst playing. Clerk to ask PCSO if this is illegal.

1.3 A resident mentioned that the flower beds planted by the WIB committee are looking really nice.

1.4 A representative of the bowling green club reported some malicious damage to the shed window had occurred and asked whether it would be advisable to ask the police to visit the offender. It was decided that would be a good course of action.   She also suggested that “dummy” cameras could be employed in the recreational areas. 

  1. Minutes of the Last Meeting

Approved as read

  1. Footpaths

3.1 No response has yet been received from PROW regarding footpath 10. Clerk to follow up. Cllr Berry agreed to visit the footpath with Mr Dearnaley to see if any issues could be resolved directly with the landowner.

3.2  Mr Dearnaley was concerned that the application from White House Farm (see 6 6.2 below) if approved would interfere with the footpath next to the barn conversion. 

  1. Wyre in Bloom 

4.1 Judging day is Tuesday 9th July, 3.30pm

4.2 The WIB committee have begun an application for funding from LCC to create a community orchard and set a date with councilors for a meeting on Wednesday 26th June to finalize.

4.3 Claire Nash presented invoices for flowers purchased and added that a lot of plants had been gifted by residents for which they passed on their thanks.

4.4 The council agreed that the planting looked very good.

4.5 A log planter on Mill Lane is in poor repair and requires removing.

  1. Village Plan

It was agreed that the creation of a Village Plan would be essential moving forward and it was decided to approach a professional body for quotations/requirements.  This would then have to be considered for adoption by Wyre Council.

  1. Matters arising from the last meeting 

6.1 Following a decision to purchase picnic benches, these have been ordered and will be delivered shortly.

6.2 The repair to the driveway at Pointer House has been carried out by LCC. 

  1. Highways

After having a visit from the police, Cllr Berry was advised that it would be advisable for as many people as possible to report speeding on Lancashire Road Safety Partnership “report a concern” including registration numbers so that police can monitor speeding in the village. 

  1. Planning  

6.1  Prior approval for proposed change of use of an agricultural building to No3 dwelling houses (C3) with building operations under Class Q of the GPDO Location: White House Farm, Preston Road, Inskip-with-Sowerby Preston, council have no objections provided the public footpath is not compromised.

6.2  The planning meeting scheduled for 4th June has been delayed until after the General Election.

6.3 The Enforcement Notice ordering the demolition the building erected in breach of planning regulations at Pad End Barn, Pinfold Lane and was served by Wyre Council became effective from 27th May 2024. From that date the structure has to be cleared within four months unless an appeal against the notice is made. 

  1. Carrs Green

7.1 Following a meeting with Treescape, Cllr Danby reported he will meet with him again to discuss a biodiversity survey suggested for Carrs Green.

7.2 Cllr James is to meet with the Environment Agency to discuss the operation of flap valves in streams on land adjoining the common that may be a contributory factor to flooding issues on Woods Lane/Preston Road/Catforth Road. 

  1. Defib check confirmation

All OK 

  1. AOB

11.1  Start up support for fitness classes at YIPS has been requested by Bettina Sorbie. It was agreed that this should not be granted as it does not comply with “not for profit” as per the original proposal to offer support for start-up community groups.

11.2 A resident has volunteered to be the village champion of a joint Scarecrow Festival to be held 3rd-13th August in conjunction with Great Eccleston, Elswick and Singleton. Council agreed that this should be supported by parish council.

11.3 Cllr Berry has begun to investigate the concept of using a piece of farm equipment to be donated by David Hargreaves as a village gateway ornament to hold hanging baskets and place name signs on the bend at Hornby Lane. The measurements have been taken for LCC to approve, the project is ongoing.

11.4 Parish council agreed (on a vote of four hands) to offer the lengthsman contract to LVF Services, who have been doing the work for the last month. 

12. Parish council admin 

Cheques presented for signature:

Chq 1420 – J Bamber – grass cutting

Chq 1421 – Yips – annual room hire charge

Chq 1422 – Futurform – purchase of 3 picnic bench

Chq 1423 – S Gilbert – clerks wages

Chq 1424 – LVF Services – grass cutting

Chq 1425 – W A Scott – grass cutting on Carrs Green

Chq 1446 –  Claire Nash – reimbursement for plants purchased (WIB)

Chq 1447 – J H Whalley – Ribblesdale Nurseries– Plants (Wyre in Bloom)