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Approved March 2024 meeting minutes

Approved March 2024 meeting minutes

March 29th, 2024

Please note that these minutes are published in DRAFT formation and may be subject to correction/amendment following formal approval at the next council meeting on 18th April, 2024.

Please note:  18th April, 2024 – These minutes are now APPROVED with no amendments or additions other than the approval status

Inskip with Sowerby Parish Council – inskip-with-sowerby.org.uk

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on: Thursday 21st March, 2024 at YIPs Centre, Inskip

Cllr Carol Berry (CB) Chair
Cllr Samantha Readyhough (SR) Vice Chair
Cllr Geoff Carter (GC)
Cllr Nick Danby (ND)
Cllr Phil James (PJ)

Clerk: Susan Gilbert (SG)

Members of the Public:

Cllr Dean Faria
Cllr Peter Cartridge

Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter

Meeting opened: 19:00
Meeting closed: 21.00


1. Informal reception
2. Open Forum
3. Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday
4. Matters arising from the last meeting
5. Highways
6. Planning
7. Carrs Green
8. Wyre in Bloom
9. Defib check confirmation
10. Parish council admin
11. AOB

Next meeting Scheduled for: Thursday 18th April, 2024.

Chair: Cllr Samantha Readyhough
Date: 18th April, 2024.

1. Informal reception
Members of the public present – 13

2. Open Forum
2.1 Mr Dearnaley thanked council for the work undertaken on footpath 18 and is in the process of liaising with Woodplumpton lengthsman to arrange replacement of the kissing gate at its junction with footpath 17, with permission from the landowner.

2.2 A resident raised a suggestion that signs stating ”drive like your children live here” were quite effective in the areas he has visited in America and that more visible roadside signs would be effective in slowing down traffic. Cllr Berry stated that council were in the process of looking at various options and thanked him for his interest.

2.3 A resident reported that the repaired pothole on Preston Road is already beginning to show signs of damage just days after its repair. Clerk to report to highways

2.4 The flooding in Derby Crescent has been partially dealt with and is ongoing.

2.5 A resident stated that the police had been present with speed monitoring guns and asked if this to be a regular event. Cllr Berry stated that the police had agreed to gather data regarding speeding traffic in order to make recommendations.

2.6 Inskip Village Kitchen thanked council for the support given with this initiative which was proving to be quite successful. Some additional kitchen equipment had been bought with the proceeds.

2.7 A trustee of YIPs asked whether council would support a Young Inskip Parish Council, and would a representative be welcome to come to meetings. Cllr Berry agreed that this would be a good insight into young peoples’ awareness of parish council business.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
Agreed as read.

Cllr Berry has made enquiries regarding the publishing of draft minutes earlier than following the next meeting and found that, in the interest of transparency, this is recommended with a statement explaining that they are DRAFT and could be liable to correction. The APPROVED minutes to be published as normal following the next meeting. Council made a resolution to approve the draft by email by Friday of the week following the meeting, when they could be published in draft form. It was agreed that draft minutes could then be published on the website within a few days of the meeting.

4. Matters arising from the last meeting

4.1 Highways have been contacted regarding an assessment on Mill Lane following complaints of vibration from heavy traffic and have responded by informing that an inspection has been carried out and no faults found, with no weight restrictions in place or necessary. Cllr James reported that this fault occurred following reinstatement of the road five years ago when an outfall sewer was laid from the Create Homes (Metacre Development) across Hodgkinsons Farm and connecting to Mill Lane, Clerk to write to Highways again to reinforce the message that this fault is causing unrest to the residents.
4.2 Highways have been contacted regarding the drain faults reported on Love Clean Streets which have not been attended to and have responded by informing that these repairs are imminent and have been delayed by bad weather.
4.3 Cllr Danby has cleared the debris caused by the burning of the dummy policeman.
4.4 Clerk has written to Woodplumpton Parish Council, copies to LCC, Police, MP and voiced objection to the time scale of the evaluation of Whittle Hill closure not being made until May 2024. Replies have been received stating that they are satisfied with the evaluation being in May.
4.5 Councillors have looked at the benches in the village which have been reported as looking shabby. Cllr James to get an estimate for refurbishment of the bench near the school and report back to council.
4.6 Reports of vermin outside a house in the village have not been actioned by Wyre as they conclude that the debris is not the type to attract rats. A resident has confirmed that household waste has been cleared since the last meeting.
4.7 Council have awarded the lengthsman’s contract to Mr William Thompson who commenced duties on 1st March and welcomed William. Thanks was also given to other candidates for their interest in the position.

5. Highways
5.1 See minutes 4 4.1 and 4 4.2. 4.4.4

6. Planning
6.1 Planning application has been lodged for a single storey rear and side extension at 10 Greenfield Road, Inskip. Council have no objection.
6.2 Planning application has been lodged for erection of roof over existing silage pit Location: Poplar Grove Farm Preston Road Crossmoor, council have no objection
6.3 Retro-application for a barn erection on Pinfold Lane has been refused.

7. Carrs Green
Cllr Readyhough reported that the vehicle previously spotted on Carrs Green has again been present. It was decided to report him to the police and also request that Will Scott reinstate the posts and chain on the common.

8. Wyre in Bloom
8.1 Suzie Dixon of the Wyre in Bloom committee presented plans which focused on the existing flower beds. The volunteers have received plants donated by resident using native plants which are wildlife orientated and have decided upon colour schemes throughout the village which will give a good show throughout the year, using mainly perennials and planting bulbs for the spring. Council agreed that the plans presented looked very good and thanked the committee for their hard work and expertise.
8.2 Claire Nash reported that the supplier previously used by Wyre in Bloom, Lambrigg Nursery, is retiring and that Ribblesdale Nurseries have been chosen to supply plants required in the future.

9. Defib check confirmation
9.1 Checked and all OK.
9.2 The sum of £650 has been donated collectively from businesses in and around Carrs Green towards the cost of the additional defibrillator. Council expressed thanks to them: JLC Groundworks, Lancashire Groundworks, Eye Catchers, Jim and Christine Hall and Adam Horabin. Letters of thanks to be sent to the above.

10. Parish council admin
10.1 Cheques presented for signature:
Chq 1408 S Gilbert – wages
Chq 1407 Open Spaces – annual subscription

11. AOB
11.1 A resident has made an offer for the donation of farm equipment to be positioned in Crossmoor at the entrance to Crossmoor/Inskip with signage to be attached. Clerk supplied information and price list to council of enquiries made of Glasdon Signs for signage. Councillors did not feel that this was the correct approach and instead to contact LCC and ask their advice. Clerk to action
11.2 Mr Tom Hastey is currently reviewing restoration of the noticeboards. He has replaced the backboard and catches of the noticeboard on Mill Lane and is waiting to see whether or not it is waterproof before repairing the second noticeboard. Council would like to thank Mr Hastey for his time and expertise. Clerk enquired who apart from herself held keys for the noticeboards and was informed that the chair of the school governors of St Peter’s school held a key.
11.3 Warm Spaces events began on 28th Feb, and were held each Wednesday for four weeks funded by LCC. The organisers, Dean and Nicola Faria, reported that the event was a success with between 10-18 people attending each week and hoped to have the opportunity to repeat the event next winter.
11.4 A resident of Derby Crescent sent in a complaint (by email) that houses on the street were having issues with sewers/electrics. Clerk escalated the faults to Cllr Salter (LCC). Work commenced on the faults and repairs have been made. Cllr Berry advised that all faults should be logged by residents on the appropriate app or website to fast-track repairs.
11.5 Cllr Berry has created a draft Standing Orders document for the guidance of parish council. This document was circulated to members prior to the meeting for consideration. It was resolved to adopt this guidance document after a further meeting in the near future, when the details can be discussed and agreed.
11.6 Cllr James stated that he had received a letter from a resident concerning dog fouling in the churchyard. He asked the Clerk to request that the Dog Warden make a visit to the area and ask if this is something that should be reported to police. A resident also said that he was disappointed by the amount of dog mess in the village. Clerk to contact Dog Warden.
11.7 Cllr Readyhough asked that council ask permission of LCC that a bus shelter be erected on Preston Road. If permission was granted, council could then investigate how the shelter could be built or funded.