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Approved Minutes of Meeting February 2024

Approved Minutes of Meeting February 2024

March 22nd, 2024

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on:  Thursday 15th February 2024 at YIPs Centre, Inskip



Cllr Carol Berry (CB) Chair

Cllr Geoff Carter (GC)

Cllr Nick Danby (ND)

Cllr Dean Faria (DF)

Cllr Phil James (PJ) 

Clerk:  Susan Gilbert (SG)

Members of the Public:               



Cllr Samantha Readyhough


Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter

Meeting opened:            19:00

Meeting closed:               21.45


  1. Informal reception
  2. Open Forum
  3. Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday
  4. Matters arising from the last meeting
  5. Highways
  6. Planning
  7. Carrs Green
  8. Wyre in Bloom
  9. Defib check confirmation
  10. Parish council admin
  11. AOB

Next meeting Scheduled for:  Thursday 21st March, 2024.

Status:  APPROVED 

Chair: Cllr C Berry

Date: 21ST March, 2024 


  1. Informal reception 
  1. Open Forum 

2.1 A resident mentioned that the articulated wagons coming through the village are a nuisance and asked that a sign be erected before the bridge on Dead Dam Bridge, Mill Lane restricting the weight limit.  Clerk to write to highways asking what the weight limit is and to ascertain whether the limit is being adhered to.  Clerk to request that highways (cc Matthew Salter, Chief of Police, Andrew Snowden and Andrew Pratt, MP) assess the road and the vibration of the houses on Mill Lane and the negotiation of the left hand bend on Preston Road by heavy vehicles.

2.2 Clerk to inform Highways that reports posted on Love Clean Streets have not been dealt with – in particular the dropped drains (BT cover) near Higham Side Road, the blocked drain outside the house on the corner of School Lane and Preston Road and a blocked drain outside Council Houses at Crossmoor causing flooding on the road and pavement.

2.3 A resident asked whether the debris caused by the burnt out police dummy could be cleared up.  Cllr Danby offered to do this.

2.4 Mr Hastey reported that after speaking to Cllr Matthew Salter (LCC) and doing a risk assessment on Whittle Hill junction (Woodplumpton) he had requested that this junction be re-assessed.  Mr Hastey had attended a Woodplumpton Parish council meeting warning them that this action should not go ahead as no risk assessment had been done by LCC.  He added there appears to be no common sense involved. Mr Salter had taken advice from Phil Durnell, Director of Highways LCC who had said that it was too late to stop, even though work had not commenced at that time. Mr Hastey added that any vehicle travelling from Inskip to Broughton via Woodplumpton would be in real danger and that the speed limit signs were ineffectual.  Following his attendance at a Woodplumpton Parish council meeting,  Mr Hastey asked that pc write to Woodplumpton Parish Council and the Police and ask who would be responsible and accountable if an accident should happen. This could be a school bus carrying children, an articulated lorry meeting a car head on or a pedestrian using a footpath being encroached by a truck.  Clerk to write to Woodplumpton to voice concerns of this road closure and ask for alternative arrangements be put in place to protect Inskip road users.

2.5 A resident asked that Cllr Faria spoke again to St Peters Church regarding the overhanging branches. Cllr Faria agreed.

2.6  Mrs Faria mentioned that some of the benches in the village are looking rather shabby and asked what can be done.  Cllr James stated that benches are intended to take that appearance although it was agreed that this be investigated and a decision would be made about maintenance.

2.7 Residents reported that motor repair activity had restarted at Derby Crescent and that a recent complaint had been sent to Wyre concerning vermin and debris – Clerk to write to Mark Billington (Environment Wyre), Rebecca Huddleston (Head of Wyre), Peter Cartridge.  See also minute 11 (11.2)

  1. Minutes of the Last Meeting

Approved as read 

  1. Matters arising from the last meeting

4.1 Planning application for the property 1North Drive which was subject to change of use from C3 to C2 (care home) has been withdrawn. See also minute 6 (6.2) and minute 11 (11.8)

4.2 Highways LCC have been contacted about the lack of safety warnings on Woods Lane and have responded to confirm they are looking into matters.

4.3 Two further litter bins have been provided by parish council on Carrs Green see minute 7 7.1

4.4 The insurance company have confirmed that the police dummy destroyed by an arsonist is not covered by their insurance. 

      5. Highways

5.1 Mr Cooper of Higham Side Farm has requested a road sign warning of tractors turning, highways have agreed to supply.

5.2 Public Rights of Way (PROW) have been contacted to report that footpaths 10 and 28 are still awaiting maintenance.

5.3 Will Scott has now completed the clearing of footpath 18, south side of Carrs Green

5.4 Cllr James asked that we write again to highways saying we do not agree with the decision that the white lines do not need repainting. Clerk to action. 

  1. Planning

6.1 Application 24/00038/FUL Proposal: Improvement of existing access and provision of dropped kerb Location: Land on North Side of Preston Road Carr’s Green Inskip. Council have no objections

6.2 Change of use of dwelling, 1 North Drive, Inskip has been withdrawn. See also minute 11.8

6.3 Carr House Farm – Preston Planning have been informed that the plan of the track is incorrect. Cllr James reported that planning permission has been granted for Carr House Farm, Carrs Green. There is a condition attached that provision is made for waste and recycling collection at the end of the track leading to the dwellings. The Property owner should approach the landowner (Inskip Parish Council) to give permission for siting of bins and as yet, this has not been done.  In addition, the passing places shown on the plans do not exist and so far the property owner has not requested permission to create these places. 

  1. Carrs Green

7.1 Two further litter bins have been installed on Carrs Green  

  1. Wyre in Bloom

8.1 Application has been made to enter into the Wyre in Bloom competition

  1. Defib check confirmation

9.1 All checked and OK.

9.2 Defibrillator installed on Preston Road close to the industrial units. This is to be funded by both JimBob Agricultural Service and JLC and council pass on their thanks to them. 

  1. Parish council admin

10.1 Clerk requested permission for funds to be transferred from reserve account to current account. Council agreed.

10.2 Cheques presented for signature:

    Chq 1403 – Glasdon UK Ltd –  Litter bins

    Chq 1404 – W A Scott – grass cutting on Carrs Green

    Chq 1405 –  S Gilbert – wages

    Chq 1406 – W A Scott – footpath clearing 

  1. AOB

11.1 Claire Nash, on behalf of YIPs, brought to the attention of parish council that a resident is actively raising funds in support of families that need expensive medical supplies for sick children and asked whether council could donate. Further investigation from Council and decision later in the year.

11.2 A complaint has been received from a resident about household waste being stored in a neighbour’s garden and attracting vermin.   Clerk has written to Environment department at Wyre who have requested that the resident report it directly to Wyre who will give it a reference number.  The resident has already taken this action although other residents reported that the situation still exists. Following the meeting, the resident received a message from Wyre Environment stating that the photographs provided showed no evidence of materials that may cause a health hazard. Council to make enquiries to establish if tangible evidence of vermin can be obtained.

11.3 A message has been received from a resident asking if meeting minutes could be published shortly after the meeting has taken place. Council discussed the legality of signing off the minutes before the following meeting.  Cllr Berry will look into this and report back before a decision is made to make any changes to the current process.

11.4 Council discussed the arrangements for lengthsman interviews on 21st and 23rdnd February at YIPs.  A timetable has been drawn up for candidates to attend, commencing at 6pm on 21st Feb and all have been notified.

11.5 Clerk reported that the village Noticeboards are in a poor state of repair with damp on the backboards and broken catches.  Clerk to ask locally if there is a volunteer willing to help.

11.6 The response from the Newsletter concerning potential outdoor play equipment is 8 positives, 0 negatives.  Given the weak response and the inability to secure appropriate funding, council agreed to temporarily halt this project.

11.7 Cllr Faria has successfully applied to LCC for a Warm Spaces Grant and will commence events on Wednesday 28th February 2pm-5pm at YIPs.  These events will take place every week until 20th March and will be hosted by Cllr Faria and Mrs Faria.   There will be hot drinks and soup available to all and the opportunity to meet for a chat with neighbours in a warm and welcoming environment as a community event.  Events to be advertised on social media and parish website.

11.8 Cllr James reported that he had a discussion with the chairpersons of a neighbouring parishes regarding mutual concerns about care homes springing up in and around the villages and the unrest that they have caused. He asked Council whether they agreed to oppose a planning application currently lodged for a care home to be opened in Allotment Lane, St Michaels.   Although this was not in Inskip parish, Councillors agreed on the principal that these type of care homes are inappropriate in village locations given the lack of amenities and historic incidents of gross misbehaviour that have taken place in neighbouring villages.