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Minutes of meeting October 2023

Minutes of meeting October 2023

November 17th, 2023

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on:  Thursday 19th October 2023 at YIPs Centre, Inskip



Cllr Carol Berry (CB) Chair

Cllr Samantha Readyhough (SR) Vice Chair

Cllr Geoff Carter (GC)

Cllr Nick Danby (ND)

Cllr Dean Faria (DF)

Cllr Phil James (PJ)


Clerk:  Susan Gilbert (SG)


Members of the Public:               





Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter


Meeting opened:            19:00

Meeting closed:               21.30


  1. Informal reception
  2. Open Forum
  3. Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday
  4. Matters arising from the last meeting
  5. Highways
  6. Planning
  7. Carrs Green
  8. Wyre in Bloom
  9. Defib check confirmation
  10. Parish council admin
  11. AOB

Next meeting Scheduled for:  16th November, 2023



Chair: Cllr Carol Berry

Date:  16TH November 2023 


  1. Informal reception – Members of public present 9 
  1. Open Forum

2.1 Residents raised a legal issue that the PC agreed to refer to Wyre Council.  Clerk to action

2.2 Gemma Johnson and Jo Ronson have created a “Village Kitchen” to be held at YIPs on alternate Saturday mornings to provide sandwiches and hot drinks for local people as a community cafe. They confirmed that they were holders of a Food and Hygiene Safety Certificate.  PC were asked if the room hire could be supported by Council until it got known. PC agreed to support six sessions @ £20 per session.

  1. Minutes of the Last Meeting 

Approved as read 

  1. Matters arising from the last meeting 

4.1   The Community Event was held on 27th September and attended by approximately 15 people of which eight surveys were captured. Feedback from the event was very positive although the attendance was disappointing. Council agreed that another such event could be held in the future.

4.2   Cllr Faria presented his suggestion that outdoor gym equipment could be procured for the use of adults in the village and presented a catalogue with the equipment.  Funding may be available and he was willing to apply for funding.  Cllr James asked the question whether our insurance would need to cover it and suggested we ask Wyre Council if they could cover it.  Council agreed that in principal they would be in agreement with the proposal, subject to the insurance being met.

4.3   LCC have been contacted to request a bus shelter and as yet, no reply has been received. Bus stops have recently been erected.

4.4  Cllr Carter reported he will ask John Fox again to site the memorial bench

4.5   Cllr Berry volunteered to lay the Poppy Wreath at the memorial service at St Peters Church

4.6   A reply has been received from Wyre council following the question that was asked of them whether Inskip Parish Council could appoint more than six councillors.  The process is complex and requires a petition to be drawn up and signed by a minimum of 250 residents which would then be submitted to Wyre for consideration.  Council agreed in principle to apply to increase the number of councillors and collect signatures. Mrs Faria agreed to draw up the petition.

4.7 Contractors have been instructed to commence work on Carrs Green, clearing a blocked footpath and strimming pathways where required and work is to commence next week if weather permits.

4.8 Carl Bass has completed the work on the car park lights at YIPs

4.9 Following a meeting of the Flood Forum at Wyre council, the flooding in Inskip on 23rd July was included in their minutes.  See final page of these minutes for a resume of their discussion. A letter offering support from Ben Wallace MP has also been received and a reply will be sent to him with an update of the situation. Council wanted to point out that the report to LCC that Inskip was flooded was in good time for discussion at the 3rd August meeting although it was not included, as opposed to the entry in their minutes.  Clerk to also inform LCC that the culvert had been reported as cleared by them, when it had not. 

  1. Highways 

5.1   Council have received a reply from LCC Highways confirming that Preston Road will be swept and grass verges made good when the work to lay the electricity cable is finished.

  1. Planning

Nothing to discuss. 

  1. Carrs Green 

7.1   Following a resident’s complaint of an off roader vehicle using the common to park whilst exercising his dogs, Cllr Berry served a letter on the driver to ask him to park elsewhere and the vehicle has not been seen since. 

7.2   The owner of Carr House Farm has agreed to meet the claim for damages to the bellmouth of the track leading to his property and the contractor will be informed to undertake the work required for re-instatement when funds are received. 

  1. Wyre in Bloom 

8.1  The presentation date for the results of WIB is today (19th October),  Inskip won a Silver Gilt Award

8.2  Claire Nash raised the subject of a new committee she was forming to organise WIB for the following year.   The new WIB committee, currently made up of nine members, expressed a wish to enlarge the planting areas and to form new natural habitat beds along the grass verges on the roadside to encourage wildlife, each one signed to give information about what was growing and the benefit it had for wildlife.  Mrs Nash asked whether or not funding would be available for this project from PC. Mrs Nash also asked for council’s thoughts on the WIB committee forming a community garden/allotment in the village.  Cllr James explained that permission was required from LCC and the bed needs to be one metre from the highway. Mrs Nash agreed to supply drawings of their ideas and involve Andrew Maxfield before any decisions were made. Cllr James suggested approaching the Bowling Club to ascertain if there was any part of their surrounding area that they could give over to the community for such a garden.

8.3 Clerk to request Wyre council to provide 2 further waste bins be positioned on Carrs Green, Woods Lane entrance and opposite side of the tank trap to the existing one. 

  1. Defib check confirmation 

Cllr Berry confirmed that all units have been checked and all OK 

  1. Parish council admin 

Cheques presented for signature:

Chq 1388 – S.Gilbert – wages

Chq 1389 – A Maxfield – expenses 

  1. AOB

11.1  A resident in Scholars Chase has again brought up the issue of some parents parking across driveways and on footpaths at drop off/pick up times.   He has complained directly to the school and has made suggestions to them to stop this practice but has not received a reply.  Council have requested another police visit at pick up times.

11.2 A Community Payback meeting will be arranged for a date after 31st October to determine whether roadside/pavement weeding can be carried out by offenders.

11.3 A drain is damaged and overflowing on the corner of Hornby Lane and Preston Road.  Clerk to report to LCC

11.4 Cllr Berry said that following the Community Event, residents had expressed an interest in welcome to Inskip signs being erected at various spots in the village and suggested that there might be a local designer or skilled artisan who could help with this project.   It was suggested that a Newsletter be compiled in the near future and members were urged to give suggestions to the Clerk for input, including a request to anyone in the village who may be interested in designing such signs.


Extract from Wyre Council Flood Forum Minutes held 14th September, 2023 relating to Inskip





Civic Centre:



          Carl Green (CG)


Members of Parliament:

Head of Engineering, Wyre Borough Council
          Paul Maynard MP


Lancashire Councillors:

MP for Blackpool North and Cleveleys
Cllr John Shedwick (JS) LCC Councillor, Thornton & Hambleton
Cllr Matthew Salter (MS) LCC Councillor, Wyre Rural Central
Cllr Stephen Clarke (SC) LCC Councillor, Fleetwood West & Cleveleys West


Wyre Borough Councillors:

Cllr Roger Berry (RB)     Neighbourhood Services & Community Safety Portfolio Holder Cllr Collette Rushforth (CR) Preesall Ward


Parish and Town Councillors:

Roger Brooks (RBr)                         Garstang Town Council

John Thompson (JT)                       Hambleton Parish Council

Phil Orme (PO)                                Preesall Town Council


Council Officers/Agency Representatives:

Paul Long (PL) Wyre Council (Engineering)
George Briscoe (GB) Wyre Council (Planning)
Mark O’Donnell (MO) LCC (Highways)
Brian Birkett (BB) Lancashire County Council (Flood Management Team)
Graeme Kellott (GK) Environment Agency
Pippa Hodgkins (PH) Environment Agency
Phil Wylie (PW)


FLAG Representatives:

United Utilities
Phil Jenkins (PJ) Thornton FLAG
Eddie Waring (EW) Thornton FLAG
Mike Pollard (MP) Thornton FLAG
Ashley Anderton (AA) Preesall FLAG
Alison Anderton (AAn) Preesall FLAG
Linda Rowland (LR) Preesall FLAG
Roger Weatherell (RW) Churchtown FLAG
David Walmsley (DW)



Cleveleys FLAG
James Sloane (JS) Garstang resident
Richard Green (RG) Carleton resident
Peter Holt (PHo) Carleton resident

MS noted the flooding to Derby Crescent, Inskip had been added to the Issues & Actions log; he noted that the road is on a steep hill and raised concern that water on the road during winter could have a serious ice problem – he asked that LCC and UU look into this issue as a matter of urgency.

MS asked whether there had been any investigation into the flooding in Inskip on 23 July. PL replied that there had not yet been any site inspection, although the issue had been discussed at the Making Space for Water meeting and would be looked into ahead of the next meeting.

MS asked whether the MSfW meeting could be held ahead of the next planned meeting at the end of November and he was concerned about the flooding in Inskip. PL replied that the group occasionally met outside of the planned dates in response to flooding incidents – the last one was 3 August to discuss the flooding on 23 July. PL noted that the flooding incidents within Inskip had not been reported until long after the event, and as such had not been included within the discussion of 3 August.

CG also confirmed that Wyre Council would also be contacting the parish council with the proposal to set up a FLAG within Inskip.

MS noted that Inskip was on the boundary with Preston Council and asked how much cooperation was there with neighbouring authorities. MO replied that LCC discuss crossboundary issues regularly with neighbouring authorities. PL confirmed that he attended the Lancashire Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) meetings with other authorities within Lancashire to look at flooding issues in the whole of the county. CG also noted that there was the Regional Flood and Coast Committee so discussions with neighbouring authorities is already going ahead.

PO noted the Council has an out of hours emergency line for reporting issues, including flooding; he noted that some residents have reported ringing but not getting any response. He asked that the Council confirm that this number is being manned 24/7. PL said that there were two help numbers – the Severe Weather Officer (which includes CG, PL and two others on a four week rota) who deals with flooding and severe weather issues – this number is not publically available but has been given to FLAGs for getting a prompt response. The main council number is available to the public and is the principal number for the public to call. He noted that during a large scale event the telephone line is often overrun with people calling in and may be engaged for some time. During major events the Council may open up additional telephone lines, but this wasn’t done on the 23 July.