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Road Safety

Road Safety

July 22nd, 2023

The following advice/guidance has been received from Lancashire County council regarding the reporting of speeding and road safety in the village:

Residents may benefit from the Community Toolkit. This gives examples of how they can raise awareness of speeding or road safety issues in their local area. The Partnership’s Speed Management Programme, which is updated monthly with newly assessed sites and which includes the Community Toolkit information, is available on the Lancashire Road Safety Partnership website

If residents witness regular incidents of nuisance or dangerous driving, they can contact the police directly either by the non-emergency telephone number: 101, or on the Lancashire Constabulary Do it Online webpage, with a record of the registration numbers of the vehicles.

They can also submit footage directly to the police through Op SNAP, for their consideration. Op SNAP is a police response to the increasing submissions of video and photographic evidence from members of the public, in relation to witnessed driving offences. Further information regarding this service can be found online at: https://www.lancashire.police.uk/op-snap-public-submission-of-dashcam-footage-faqs/