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Minutes of meeting May 2023

Minutes of meeting May 2023

June 16th, 2023

Minutes of the AGM and Parish Council Meeting held on:  Thursday 18th May, 2023 at Inskip Baptist Church, Preston Road, Inskip



Cllr Phil James (PJ – Chair)

Cllr Carol Berry (CB)

Cllr Nick Danby (ND)

Cllr Dean Faria (DF)

Cllr Samantha Readyhough (SR)


Clerk:  Susan Gilbert (SG)



Members of the Public:               



Cllr Geoff Carter

Cllr Peter Cartridge

Cllr Susan Catterall



Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter


Meeting opened:            19:00

Meeting closed:               19.30




1.Minutes of AGM held  19th May, 2022.

agreed as read


2 Chairman’s report:

The Chairman opened the meeting with a brief explanation of the Standing Orders of the Council meetings and the protocol of the public’s role in the meeting





We began the 2022-23 municipal year with a number of projects and issues carried over from the previous year, some of which we’ve brought to a conclusion but others still remain ongoing.


One of those was that focused on Carrs Green, which thanks to the understanding of the Lancashire Environmental Fund in allowing the timescale of the grant for the works to be extended, has been now been all but completed. I say all but because we are still awaiting Lancashire County Council to clear the culvert beneath Woods Lane in order to enable waters from the tank trap to flow freely again.


It was at this point in time last year, following LCC’s postponement of work scheduled for Woods Lane in the previous months that we made further representations to that authority to address the flooding issues associated therewith. It’s only in recent weeks that their contractors have withdrawn from the site having raised sections of the road level, cleared roadside ditches and resurfaced a long stretch of highway. Will that alleviate the flooding issues we’ve experienced in recent years? Only time will tell. One thing they still have to address is the clearing of that culvert and the Parish Council are continuing to press them for some action.


Staying on the subject of LCC, after more than 12 months of lobbying they’ve finally erected a Deer warning sign on the approach to the Common, hopefully that will slow traffic and give more protection to everyone. They have also responded to our request that steps be taken to discourage parking and reinstate grass verges on Derby Crescent, close to its junction with Mill Lane. That’s not yet completed but at least it has started and like Woods Lane it remains to be seen how effective it will be. The Parish Council will continue to monitor the situation and seek help as required from LCC and other agencies.


A project that was successfully completed was the siting of two new defibrillators, one in Sowerby and one in Crossmoor, and our thanks go to the owners who allowed us to site them on their properties.


In concluding I would like to record my appreciation of the work put in by our Lengthsman Andrew Maxfield and our Parish Clerk Sue Gilbert who, having had little over a year in the role has undertaken her duties in a most thoughtful and professional manner. I’d also like to thank all those members who served the Council in 2022-23 for their support and hard work. Whilst I’m sorry to see two of those, Martin Delaney and Alan Lingard are no longer part of the Council I warmly welcome Dean Faria and Samantha Readyhough who sit as Parish Councillors for the first time this evening.


Thank you


Phil James

Chairman, Inskip-with-Sowerby Parish Council.                                      May 2023




3 Election of Chairperson

Cllr Danby nominated Cllr James, Cllr Faria nominated Cllr Berry seconded by Cllr Readyhough.

Election of Vice Chairperson

Cllr Berry nominated Cllr Readyhough seconded by Cllr Faria



















Inskip with Sowerby Parish Council Meeting 18th May 2023, Inskip Baptist Church, Preston Road, Inskip



Cllr Carol Berry (CB)  (Chair)

Cllr Dean Faria (DF)

Cllr Nick Danby (ND)

Cllr Phil James  (PJ)

Cllr Samantha Readyhough (SR) (vice chair)


Clerk:  Susan Gilbert (SG)



Cllr Geoff Carter

Cllr Peter Cartridge (Cllr Cartridge has sent a message which he would like to be read out in his absence, see AOB)

Cllr Susan Catterall.


Members of the Public:               




Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter


Meeting opened: 19.30

Meeting closed:   21.30


Next meeting of Parish council to be held on 15th June 2023, 7pm at YIPs, Nelson Gardens, Inskip






  1. Open Forum for the general public
  2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 20th April, 2023
  3. Matters arising from the last meeting
  4. Highways
  5. Planning
  6. Carrs Green
  7. Financial Matters
  8. Wyre in Bloom
  9. Any other business



Next meeting Scheduled for:  15th June, 2023









  1. Open Forum
    • A member of the public asked Cllr Berry if defibrillators lessons could continue. Cllr Berry agreed and would arrange sessions in the future.


  • A member of the public asked if a Village Facebook existed. The reply was that we did not have a Parish Council facebook but we did have a website.  Cllr Faria explained that it was the intention of the new Council that every avenue would be investigated for future communication.


  • A member of public expressed their thanks to Alan Lingard for the many years he has put into Wyre in Bloom. Cllr Berry added her thanks said that Mr Lingard would continue until someone took his place. Thanks was also given to Martin Delaney for the many years of service he has committed to the Parish.


  • A member of the public wished to complain about the approach new candidates took at the recent election. This he felt undermined those candidates who were not included in that campaign. This was seconded by another member of the public. In response to the complaint Cllr Berry stated that there were several issues with the way the recent election had been handled. She pointed out that there was nothing to state that candidates could not produce a joint leaflet, in fact there were similar instances in Elswick, Woodplumpton and the Wyre local elections. It was acknowledged that the matter had created angry reactions from some residents. In a move to positively address the issue for future elections Cllr Berry stated that she would be conducting a Lessons Learned exercise that would give all 9 candidates and the Clerk the opportunity to express their opinions and then produce a report containing recommendations for future elections. It was agreed that a line should be drawn under the matter by all the attendees


  • A member of the public stated that Newsletters have not been circulated since 2019 and that better communication would be helpful. Cllr James stated minutes are published on the website and that newsletters are very labour intensive.  Council agreed that more newsletters would be published in the future.


  • A member of the public stated that the election leaflet may have created positive results in raising awareness and new candidates will bring positive change.


  • A member of the public stated that many of the candidates who stood were also the organizers of the Right Royal Knees Up. They worked hard and got a great results.  A member of the public agreed but stated that she felt that it was the duty of Parish Council to be involved in the business of the Parish above social events.


  • A member of the public stated that the recent postings on social media during the election campaign from the Parish Clerk were not, as stated, impartial and should have been taken down. Cllr Berry said that she would be speaking to the Clerk privately regarding this.



  1. Minutes of Last Meeting – held on 20th April, 2023 approved as read.


  1. Matters Arising


  • Deer signage has been erected, Clerk has written to LCC to thank. Cllr Faria asked if this would encourage poaching and it was agreed that it was unlikely and that the main purpose was to slow traffic in that stretch of Preston Road.


  • Zurich Insurance (DAS law) have written to the owner of Carr House Farm re the enlargement of the track, no acknowledgement has been received. Court action to follow if no contact can be made.


  • LCC have erected parking bollards in Derby Crescent, although the work could not be completed due to a parked vehicle. See complaint below in A0B (12.5)


  • The Bowling Club treasurer has confirmed that they are in the process of applying for a grant to replace the windows in the pavilion and John Fox has expressed a wish to brick up the door facing YIPs to alleviate damp, but as yet no formal plans have been made with Council.



  • The lease on Manor Road has been confirmed by Wyre Council to run until August 2040



  1. Highways


  1. Woods Lane – the road is now open. Cllr James noted that the culvert under the bridge has not yet been cleared and the concrete slab over the dyke is still open making it dangerous for pedestrians.  Clerk has written to LCC to remind of the outstanding work.  Cllr James reported that work on Woods Lane could result in flooding at John Thompsons property and that spent soil and debris have been left at the side of the road, possibly encouraging fly tipping. Cllr James reported that he would make a further inspection of the area, Cllr Berry and Cllr Faria requested to attend the inspection.


  1. Planning


  1. Application has been received by Wyre for demolition of three former agricultural buildings at White House Farm, Preston Road, Inskip. No objections from Council


  1. Application has been received by Wyre for Change of use of agricultural land to form private riding ménage and erection of stable block to form two private stables at Wyre Hall, Brierley Lane, Inskip with Sowerby. No objections from Council.



  1. Cllr James offered to continue to oversee Planning Application and Council thanked him for that offer


  1. Carrs Green


  1. Cllr Berry asked the public and Council whether they had any opinions on Carrs Green and any ideas would be welcome. Cllr Readyhough reported that Catforth Cubs were seen using the common which was encouraging for future utilization of the area. Quad bikes have been reported as being used on the Common which has churned up the grass and made it difficult to walk on. People using the common were asked to keep a “look out” for quads and report to Council if they have any information.


  1. Financial Matters


  1. The internal audit has been signed off by George Diaper and the Annual Governance Statement 2022/23 and risk assessment were reviewed and signed off by the Chairlady in order to submit documents to AGAR. The Notice of Transparency will be posted on the website on or before 7th June, 2023 with the period of exercise of public rights being between 14th June and 23rd July 2023. Parish Council declared themselves exempt from a limited assurance review under Section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015 as both the gross income and gross expenditure for 2022/23 were less than £25,000. Accounting statements will be published in due course.




  1. Payments approved for payment:

Freeola – Domain renewal (pd by SG)– chq 1359

S.Gilbert – wages – chq 1361

A.Maxfield – lengthsman – chq  1360

Canon Inks (paid by SG)  (ink) – chq 1358

Avast – VPN software – (pd by SG) chq 1357


  1. Wyre in Bloom


  1. Mr Lingard reported (by email) that he had attended a meeting at Wyre on the 15th May for Wyre in Bloom. The updated brochure and route needs to be sent to Sandra Byrne by mid-June. Cllr James agreed to make updates if required and email to her. Judging will take place early July but the dates, as yet, are not fixed.  Mr Lingard to report when he has firm dates. He intends to plant flowers approx 12th June weather permitting. Cllr Berry asked if any of the PC members are interested in helping out or taking on the role of Wyre in Bloom representative for next year, Mr Lingard stated that he is happy to pass on information and help where he



  1. Any other business


  1. Councillors were asked to sign Notification of Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Clerk to post on website and forward to Wyre council.  Cllr Faria and Cllr Readyhough also declared their interest as Trustees in YIPs.


  1. Yips have requested a new Storage Box for tennis nets and posts and Willow Roll Edging for the wildflower border. Estimated cost box £125, edging £3 for 2meter (possibly £36).  Cllr Berry asked whether the box would be substantial enough and would prefer to invest more and have a box that would stand the test of time.  YIPs were asked to look further and come back to PC with options.


  1. A local resident has raised concerns about HMS Inskip (Inskip Radio Station) and the reported increase radio frequency to be generated on the site and the close proximity of the village of Inskip, particularly the local junior school. Other concerns include the potential security issues and any possible threats of attack. Given the seriousness of this concern, Councillors agreed (by email outside of the meeting) that the clerk write to Ben Wallace MP and also MOD to seek assurances, this was done on 2nd May and await reply.


  1. Car Park Lights – Carl Bass to provide an estimate of repair to the connection.



  1. A resident has complained about an untaxed vehicle being parked partly on the grass verge in Derby Crescent. LCC have set up parking bollards on the verges but could not access the verge outside no.2 as the car was parked there. Clerk has reminded LCC that the work is unfinished due to this vehicle.  Police have been informed that the car is untaxed and blocking the work being carried out and they will contact LCC to assist in its removal.


  1. Clerk has written to David Earnshaw, Baptist Church to see if the hall would be available for hire for council meetings. Rev Earnshaw confirmed that it would be available if required. Council agreed to keep the meetings to the third Thursday of each month commencing at 7pm and preferred to use YIPs as the meeting place as fundraising was an ongoing challenge for them and the room rental would help their income.  Cllr Faria to confirm that the room is available and, if available, clerk to write to Mr Earnshaw to thank him for his offer but decline.


  1. A resident enquired of Cllr Readyhough whether an event on the Dog Event Field needed a licence and complained the noise generated was upsetting her livestock. Cllr James replied to Cllr Readyhough by email and advised that the resident could complain to Wyre or the Police as there was nothing PC could do to intervene.


  1. Cllr Faria stated that he will organize an event in the near future to include various topics that would be helpful/interesting to the Village, for example Staysafe information, Defibrillator lessons.


  1. Cllr Faria commented that the Parish Council website may not have the appropriate safety security features required. Cllr James to take advice from an expert. Cllr Faria commented that in his opinion, Council email should be equipped with a generic message when emails arrive to confirm that it has been received.  Clerk to arrange


  1. Cllr Danby commented that it was good to see the public attendance at this meeting and asked all members of the public to pass on the general principle/value of attending meetings.


  1. A question from a resident has been received by the clerk to put to Councillors. This question was printed and distributed to each Councillor as it was not council business.   Councillors unanimously agreed that they could not discuss the question in Council meeting and the question was not answered.





  1. Message from Cllr Cartridge:

“Unfortunately, the first Full Council after the election has clashed with tonight’s meeting, therefore I have had no choice but to give my late apologies for not coming. I am very disappointed to do this, but it can’t be helped. 


I am very aware that in the past my attendance at PC has been low. Other responsibilities at Wyre have prevented my attendance (council diary clashes, particularly with Licensing). However, I have now switched committees to Overview & Scrutiny – this means moving forward, if Full Council doesn’t land on the same evening, I should be in attendance. As always, I am contactable by phone, email and Facebook. 


First, I’d like to congratulate those elected to the PC. I’m sure you’re aware that there were only two contested parish councils in the Wyre district. It’s a shame that several parish councils struggle to fill vacant positions. To have more candidates than available positions in Inskip is therefore rare and something that should be celebrated. 


I’d like to give you an update of my recent activity in the village…


I’ve been very busy chasing up Create Homes. As you’ll be aware, many residents on the development were concerned about the delay to the final surfacing of roads and pavements. I met with the CEO of Create Homes, Paul Mathison, and he promised to get on with it.  I’m happy that Create Homes have honoured their promise to do so: words have been backed up with action. I will continue to monitor the situation to ensure the job is completed. As a ‘goodwill gesture’, The Company have also agreed to fund a community bench. 


I have also received numerous concerns about speeding. I’m most concerned about incidents around St Peter’s Primary School. I have met with Lancashire Police and I have asked them to conduct a survey. They have been in contact to tell me that a risk assessment must take place first. I will let you know when this has taken place. Please be assured that other speeding ‘hotspots’ have not been forgotten. 


I attended the Coronation Celebrations at the YIPs Centre and met many residents. It was a fabulous event: well-organised and very well attended. Coming to events like this remind me of how lucky I am to represent several villages, each with a unique community spirit.  


On a final note, I’d like to make you aware of a change of policy at Wyre BC regarding planning application ‘call ins’. I have forwarded the updated guidance from Wyre Borough Council to the Clerk and I am sure she will share it with you. 


Looking at my diary, I should be able to attend the next Inskip PC meeting. In the meantime, please email me if I can help with any business on this evening’s agenda, or any other business that arises.  “




  • Defibrillator check: All checked and in order.