Parish Council meeting minutes – June 2021
July 16th, 2021
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on: Thursday 17th June 2021 at the Inskip Baptist Church Hall, Preston Road
Cllr Phil James (PJ – Chair)
Cllr Carol Berry (CB)
Cllr Geoff Carter (GC)
Cllr Martin Delaney (MD)
Cllr Alan Lingard (AL)
Clerk: Mike Ainsworth (MA)
Members of the Public: Brian Dearnaley (BD); Claire Nash
Apologies: Cllr Chris Houghton (CH); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; Scott Cubitt; Jonathan Palmer
cc: Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter
Meeting opened: 20:00
Meeting closed: 21:40
1. Open Forum for the general public
2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 20th May 2021
3. Matters arising from the last meeting
4. Planning
5. Carrs Green
6. Financial matters
7. Any other business
Next meeting Scheduled for: Thursday 15th July 2021 at 8pm
Chair: Cllr. Phil James
Date: 15th July 2021
1. Open Forum
1.1. Brian Dearnaley raised issues with two blocked footpaths within the Parish (footpaths No. 10 and 16). It was agreed that he would provide details to the Parish Clerk who could then contact LCC.
Action 6.21/1 – BD to provide details of blocked footpath to Parish Clerk who can then liaise with LCC
1.2. Claire Nash asked for details of proposals to plant trees on the Common referring to an objection recently raised by Scott Cubitt. Parish Councillors assured her that no decision had been made in favour of planting trees however the Parish Clerk noted that the suggestion of planting trees appeared to have galvanized local conservancy contacts into action, which might prove beneficial.
2. Minutes of Last Meeting – approved as read.
3. Matters Arising
3.1. The Parish Clerk reported that all Actions had been cleared with the following exceptions:
• Rumble strips
• Box to store Tennis Nets
• Insurance against fly-tipping
• Deer signage
• Mobile Phone interference
3.2. With regards to the proposal to buy a box to store tennis equipment it was agreed that the Parish Clerk would buy the next size up to that originally proposed by Cllr. Houghton for delivery to Cllr. Delaney and that Cllr. Lingard would supply a combination lock.
Action 4.21/2 carried forward
3.3. On a similar subject Cllr. Delaney highlighted that the lines had yet to be painted on the Tennis Court and Claire Nash noted that the kids are still using the holes in the fencing for ingress and egress. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would ask Wyre Cllr. Cartridge to chase up with the Parks and Recreation team.
Action 6.21/2 – MA to liaise further with Wyre Cllr. Cartridge about tennis court line painting and maintenance of the tennis court fence
3.4. With regards to insurance against fly-tipping the Parish Clerk reminded Parish Councillors that he had been advised to engage with a local insurance broker and had asked whether Councillors knew of any that they could recommend. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk contact NFU Mutual as it was understood that they offered this type of insurance.
Action 4.21/7 carried forward
3.5. With regards to deer signage, Cllr. Delaney asked for a progress report. The Parish Clerk reminded him of the advice from LCC Highways that they would take advice from the British Deer Society, which would be dependent upon the number of reports of deer sightings.
4. Planning – a couple of recent planning applications were discussed but no comments were raised. Cllr. James advised the Parish Council that he had asked the Parish Clerk to draft a further reply to Wyre Council challenging their response to the earlier complaint raised by the Parish Council related to the conduct of Wyre Councillors and Officials in the handling a recent planning application.
5. Carrs Green
5.1. The Parish Clerk reported that the boardwalk was being installed this week and that he had asked the contractor engaged to upgrade the footpath adjacent to the boardwalk to schedule his work at his earliest convenience.
5.2. Parish Councillors discussed the content of the proposed Information Panels. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would provide an updated version for the Information Panels to be placed on the Common. Cllr. Delaney reminded the Clerk that it had been agreed to include a QR code on the signage. The proposed Information Panel to be placed at the YIPS / Bowling Green car park would need different content including historical detail focused on locations on the “Green Stroll” circular walk. It was agreed that the Clerk should liaise with Roy Grant and prepare a draft.
Action 6.21/3 – MA to arrange for updated Info Panel design for the Common to be prepared for final sign off (including a QR code)
Action 6.21/4 – MA to liaise with Roy Grant and prepare draft content for an Info Panel to be placed at the Bowling Club car park
5.3. The Parish Clerk also reported that a meeting was scheduled with Wyre Coast and Countryside team, LCC Environmental Record Network, Lancashire Wildlife Trust, Wyre Rivers Trust, etc. etc. It was agreed that Cllr. James and the Clerk would attend the initial remote meeting and that other Parish Councillors could be on hand for the subsequent site visit on the Common.
6. Financial Matters – the following payments were approved at the meeting: Clerk salary; PAYE; Lengthsman’s fees; Clerk’s expenses; minor maintenance; Wyre-In-Bloom flowers.
7. Any Other Business
7.1. Cllr. Berry reported that she was carrying out checks on the three defibrillators.
7.2. Cllr. Lingard reported that he had planted flowers ahead of Wyre-in-Bloom with judging scheduled for 20th July. Parish Councillors discussed what expenses to claim back from Wyre-In-Bloom. It was agreed that the repair of the planter on the Common be included and Cllr. Carter agreed to chase up the contractor about scheduling the work.
Action 6.21/5 – GC to chase up contractor about scheduling work to repair planter on Common
7.3. Cllr. Berry asked Parish Councillors to consider a proposal for welcome to Inskip signage inviting visitors to drive carefully. Cllr. James felt that the suggested format might well require planning approval and that the best means of controlling speed would be rumble strips. It was agreed that Parish Councillors would consider examples of traffic calming messages that might be erected at the entrances to the village for consideration at the next meeting. It was also agreed that the Parish Clerk would seek advice from Highways as to the best format for such signage and whether a please drive carefully sign might be appended to the existing welcome to Inskip signage.
Action 6.21/6 – Councillors to identify suitable examples of traffic calming messages for consideration at next meeting
Action 6.21/7 – MA to liaise with Highways as to the best format for traffic calming signage and whether a please drive carefully sign might be appended to the existing welcome to Inskip signage
7.4. Cllr. Lingard highlighted that the Lengthsman was unclear as to the limits of his responsibility on the new estates and Cllr. Delaney highlighted that the hedge adjacent to the Create Homes development needed to be cut. Cllr. James explained that the developer or their agents were responsible for all green space on the development but was happy to walk the territory with Cllr. Lingard and the Lengthsman if that would help. The Parish Clerk agreed to inspect the hedge adjacent to the Create Homes development and to liaise with Create Homes and or Highways as appropriate.
Action 6.21/8 – PJ and AL to walk the territory with the Lengthsman to determine what areas fall to the Parish to maintain
Action 6.21/9 – MA to inspect hedge adjacent to Create Homes development and to liaise with Create Homes and LCC Highways as appropriate
7.5. On a similar subject Claire Nash mentioned the “No Mow May” initiative and wondered whether locations might be identified in Inskip where mowing might be reduced to improve wildlife. It was agreed that Parish Councillors should identify ‘No Mow’ areas for consideration
Action 6.21/10 – Councillors to identify suitable ‘No Mow’ areas for consideration to improve wildlife
At this point members of the public were asked to retire from the meeting.
7.6. Cllr. James raised concerns previously reported to LCC Highways of vehicles parked on the verge and footpath of Derby Crescent resulting in residents having to walk on the main carriageway. It was suggested that another Highways concern related to restricted visibility as a result of the number of vehicles parked on the verge.
Action 6.21/11 – to report restricted visibility for traffic driving on Derby Crescent as a result of parked vehicles
7.7. It was also reported that vandalism in the play area had been reported to the police by Wyre Council.