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Parish Council Meeting Minutes – June 2019

Parish Council Meeting Minutes – June 2019

July 19th, 2019

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on:  Thursday 20th June 2019 at the YIPS Centre, Nelson Gardens

Cllr Phil James (PJ – Chair)
Cllr Carol Berry (CB)
Cllr Martin Delaney (MD)
Cllr Alan Lingard (AL)

Clerk:  Mike Ainsworth (MA)

Members of the Public:               
Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; Mr. Paul Gibbs; Mr. Brian Dearnaley

Cllr Geoff Carter (GC); Cllr Chris Houghton (CH); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall

Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter

Meeting opened:            20:00
Meeting closed:            21:35


  1. Open Forum for the general public
  2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 16th May 2019
  3. Matters arising from the last meeting
  4. New Business:

4.1.    Planning applications
4.2.    Correspondence
4.3.    Carrs Green
4.4.    Financial matters
4.5.    Wyre-in-Bloom

  1. Any other business

Next meeting Scheduled for:  Thursday 18th July 2019 at 8pm


Chair:  Cllr. Phil James
Date: 18th July 2019

  1. Open Forum

1.1.    Mr. Paul Gibbs spoke to the meeting about a Community Wellbeing Index that had been published on-line by the Co-op. He expressed concern that the scores for Inskip against some of the categories were well below the national average, specifically those listed as “Education and Learning”, “Health”, “Transport, mobility and connectivity” and “Voice and participation”. Whilst some surprise and skepticism was expressed at the findings published on the website it was felt most appropriate to gain a wider insight as regards how the data was prepared prior to deciding on action that might be taken to address concerns.
Action 6.19/1 – MA to seek information from Co-op as to basis of Wellbeing scores

1.2.    On the subject of access to affordable transport Cllr. Berry raised the subject of the cost of bus tickets for school students in rural areas and that the bus pass that can be purchased for students in rural areas does not offer access to other routes or travel during holidays. This compares adversely with students living in urban areas. It was agreed that this anomaly should be raised with LCC who fund the student bus service.
Action 6.19/2 – MA to write to LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter, copying in LCC. Cllr. Paul Hayhurst, expressing concern at the lack of consistency in funding rural bus services for school students and its impact on rural isolation

1.3.    Mr. Brian Dearnaley reported that he had bumped into Alison Boden who manages the Wyre Countryside Rangers service and she informed him that the Rangers team can supply a volunteer work-party to assist in developing the Common and asked for progress on the proposed development of the Common. Councillors advised that they had carried out several site visits and had agreed a plan to re-establish Footpath No. 15. Cllr. Lingard had drawn up a specification of works and one of the Commoners, Mr. Jimmy Hall, had agreed to cut the proposed route of the path when weather conditions permit.

1.4.    Cllr. James asked whether ramblers might object if the Parish Council established a path that deviated a small way from the definitive right of way, which crosses boggy and overgrown ground. The Parish Clerk advised that there would be no grounds to object if the Pariah Council established a permissive path that avoided boggy or overgrown ground. The only grounds for objection would be if it could be demonstrated that the Parish Council had deliberately obstructed the definitive right of way – and that would be hard to prove as in fact the land had been boggy over many years.

1.5.    With regard to stile to the north-west of the Common it was agreed that the Parish Clerk should drop a note to the neighbouring landowner with feedback over health and safety concerns.
Carried forward Action 5.19/3 refers

1.6.    The Parish Council agreed that the Parish Clerk should obtain three quotations to assist an application to the Lancashire Environmental Fund. Cllr. Lingard to provide text of the specification of works and contact details for the companies to be contacted.
Carried forward Actions 5.19/8 and 5.19/9 refer

1.7.    Wyre Cllr. Cartridge offered apologies from Wyre Cllr. Catterall explaining that one or the other aimed to attend Parish Council meetings. He reported that he had been appointed to the Licencing and Audit committees on Wyre Borough Council.

  1. Minutes of Last Meeting – approved as read.
  1. Matters Arising

3.1.    The following outstanding actions were cleared:

5.19/1 – liaise with LCC Cllr. Salter with regard to the replacement of rumble strips adjacent to the School and the placement of rumble strips at Carrs Green

5.19/2 – liaise with LCC Highways with regard to deploying a SpID on the approaches towards the School

5.19/4 – liaise further with the owner of Carr House Farm with regard to meeting to attempt to resolve the dispute concerning the widening of the track across the Common

5.19/5 – provide feedback on outline planning application for the erection of 30 dwellings at land to south of Preston Road and east of the School

5.19/6 – to raise Parish Council concerns with regard to access to the proposed development at Carr House Farm with Preston City Council planning department

5.19/7 – display Dog Show and “Be Prepared for flooding” notices on website and Parish Council Noticeboards

5.19/11 – to provide contact details so that the Parish Clerk can write a letter of thanks to the lady who has been clearing litter on the Common

5.19/12 – to submit Exemption Certificate plus Contact Details form to External Auditor

5.19/13to publish mandated information on website and make accounts available for public scrutiny over prescribed period

5.19/14 – to report low water pressure to United Utilities

5.19/15 – to write letter of thanks to former Wyre Cllr. Pimbley

5.19/16 – to report incidence of dog faeces on Preston Road near to the School and in School Lane to Wyre Council

3.2.    The following actions were carried forward:

2.19/3 – track across Common in direction of Carr House Farm

4.19/6 – to liaise with Lengthsman with regard to reclamation of land adjacent to Bowling Club

5.19/3 – liaise with the landowner with regard to the stile, the barbed wire and the willow limb

5.19/8 – carry out a site survey, draft a specification of works and obtain two estimates that could be used to support any future grant application for improving access to the Common via Footpath No.15

5.19/9 – draft aspects of a grant application for improving access to the Common via Footpath No.15, firstly for internal review and later for review by Tim Blythe

5.19/10 – to ensure the removal of rubbish dumped on the Common at the top of Woods Lane

3.3.    With regard to Action 2.19/3 the Parish Clerk reported that the owner of Carr House Farm had not to date taken up the Parish Council offer to meet and it was agreed that providing the Solicitor with an up to date estimate of costs to restore the track to its former state should be expedited. The Parish Clerk agreed to remind Cllr. Carter that this remained outstanding.

3.4.    With regard to Action 5.19/10 the Parish Clerk said that Cllr. Houghton had advised that the rubbish on the Common at the top of Woods Lane had been removed. Cllr. James however reported that when he had checked up on the day of the Parish Council meeting it was still there and at the time of the meeting the Action remained outstanding.

  1. New Business

4.1.    Planning Applications

4.1.1. The following applications were approved by Wyre Council:

19/00195/FUL: single storey rear extension and balcony at Birchwood, Preston Road

19/00263/COUQ: change of use of agricultural building to form two dwelling houses under Class Q of the GPDO at Chesham Hill Farm, Pinfold Lane

4.1.2.  The following applications were referred to the Parish Council for comment:

19/00479/FUL – new access to field at White House Farm, Preston Road

19/00567/OUTMAJ – outline application for new industrial units with access and layout applied for at Land Adjacent to Hut 18, Higham Side Road. Parish Councillors expressed road safety concerns with regard to the creation of a new entrance onto the fast straight run of Higham Side Road…
Action 6.19/3 – MA to advise Wyre Planning of Parish Council road safety concerns with regard to the proposed industrial development at Higham Side Road

4.2.    Correspondence – MA highlighted the following correspondence to Councillors for consideration:

4.2.1.  Open Spaces Society – request for donation

4.2.2.  LCC “Be a Councillor” poster

4.2.3.  Open Spaces Society – AGM and magazine

4.2.4.  Wyre Adopted Local Plan – printed edition

4.2.5.  Estimate of costs from solicitor

4.2.6.  LALC Newsletter (VE Day 75)
Action 6.19/4 – MA to write to Vicar advising him of proposed VE Day 75 celebrations

4.3.    Carrs Green – see paras. 1.3 – 1.6 above.

4.4.    Financial Matters – the following were approved at the meeting:  Clerk Salary; PAYE; Lengthsman’s fees; Wyre-in-Bloom costs.

4.5.    Wyre-in-Bloom – Cllr. Lingard reported that the Wyre-in-Bloom judging would be held at 3pm on Friday 5th July. He expressed concern about the untidy state of the hedges at Create Homes. Parish Councillors were also concerned with regard to the state of the hedge outside the Church.
Action 6.19/5 – MA to write to Create Homes and to the Vicar requesting that hedges be trimmed ahead of the WiB judging on 5th July

  1. Any Other Business

5.1.    The Parish Clerk reported instances of break-ins and vandalism on School Lane.

5.2.    Cllr. Delaney raised the subject of parking at the Bowling Club. On recent occasions access on Manor Road has been severely restricted when cars have been parked on both sides of the road.
Action 6.19/6 – MA to write to Bowling Club asking that members and visitors do not restrict access on Manor Road by block parking on both sides