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Parish Council Meeting Minutes – November 2018

Parish Council Meeting Minutes – November 2018

January 18th, 2019

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on:  Thursday 15th November 2018 at the YIPS Centre, Nelson Gardens

Cllr Phil James (PJ – Chair)
Cllr Carol Berry (CB)
Cllr Geoff Carter (GC)
Cllr Martin Delaney (MD)
Clerk:  Mike Ainsworth (MA)

Members of the Public:LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter


Cllr Chris Houghton (CH); Cllr Alan Lingard (AL); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Sue Pimbley

Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Sue Pimbley; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter

Meeting opened:  20:00
Meeting closed:  21:21


  1. Open Forum for the general public
  2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 18th October 2018
  3. Matters arising from the last meeting
  4. New Business:

4.1.    Planning applications
4.2.    Correspondence
4.3.    Carrs Green
4.4.    Financial matters
4.5.    Wyre-in-Bloom

  1. Any other business

Next meeting Scheduled for:  Thursday 17th January 2019 at 8pm


Chair: Cllr. Phil James
Date: 17th January 2019

1. Open Forum – LCC Cllr. Salter provided feedback with regard to a Parish Council request that LCC consider the speed limit and the provision of deer signs on the B5269 crossing Carrs Green Common. With regard to the provision of horse and rider signs on Sowerby Lane, LCC officials had suggested that the road at this point had clear visibility and, on a normal rural road, the nature of the road should dictate the possible hazard of horse and rider to drivers. It was suggested that vehicles travelling northbound at this location faced an angle in the road that created a blind bend and asked that LCC re-consider their recommendation against provision of the suggested warning sign.

Cllr. Delaney reported on the state of the footpaths on Manor Road and asked whether LCC Highways could carry out remedial maintenance. LCC Cllr. Salter agreed to inspect and report back to the Highways department.
Action 11.18/1 – LCC Cllr. Salter to follow up issues raised by Parish Council with LCC Highways

2. Minutes of Last Meeting – approved as read.

3. Matters Arising

3.1. The following outstanding actions were cleared:
6.18/8 – water pressure at Inskip
7.18/2 – maintaining area at junction of B5269 with Woods Lane
9.18/4.1.4 – to make representation in response to Wyre Local Plan Main Modifications
10.18/2 – to advise Preston City Council of objections to development at Carr House Farm
10.18/3 – to advise Wyre Council of comments to development at Part Keeps Barn
10.18/4 – to advise Wyre Council of comments to development at Myrepole Farm
10.18/5 – to provide local farms with details of LCC snow clearing invitation to tender
10.18/6 – to thank Commoner for mowing carried out during summer
10.18/7 – to prepare budget proposal for 2019 financial year
10.18/8 – to research current Parish Council pay rates
10.18/9 – to write letter of thanks to member of the public who advised IRAG

3.2. The following actions were carried forward:
7.18/6 – dispute with regard to track across Carrs Green towards Carr House Farm
7.18/12 – problem with Parish Noticeboard on Preston Road
8.18/1 – obtain quote for barriers to protect pedestrians crossing footbridge across Tank Trap
10.18/1 – to identify whether sand extraction at Cinder Lane would be allowed within the LCC Draft Minerals and Waste Local Plan and if so to detail Parish Council objections

4. New Business

4.1. Planning Applications – the Parish Clerk reported that no planning applications related to the Parish had been approved or refused by Wyre Council since the last meeting. The following planning applications were noted:
17/00711/DIS – discharge of condition 4 (remediation) on application 17/00711/COUQ at Chesham Hill Farm
18/01049/FUL – single storey rear and side extension at Cornfields, Preston Road

4.2. Correspondence

MA highlighted the following correspondence to Councillors for consideration:

4.2.1. Open Space Society magazine
4.2.2. LCC – Disabled Persons NowCard
4.2.3. LCC – Children and Family Wellbeing Service proposal
4.2.4. Pensions Regulator – ongoing duties
4.2.5. Garstang and District Heritage Society – poppy trail
4.2.6. Headteacher at Inskip St. Peters with regard to placing School Notices on Noticeboards
Action 11.18/2 – MA to arrange for a spare set of keys for the Parish Noticeboards to be cut

4.3. Carrs Green

4.3.1. The Parish Clerk reported that a new track appeared to have been established onto the Common from the track that leaves Woods Lane at the sharp bend at the north eastern corner of the Common. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk should liaise with the Commoner who had established the track to discuss whether it would be practical to block it to prevent access.
Action 11.18/3 – MA to liaise with Commoner over preventing access via new track established on Common

4.3.2. The Parish Clerk reported that the consultant lined up to advise the Parish Council with regard to applying for Countryside Stewardship funding had pulled out and he awaited a further suggestion from one of the lecturers at Myerscough College as to another suitable candidate. Cllr. James suggested that the Wyre Council countryside rangers might be able to suggest a suitable candidate to approach who might offer this type of service and agreed to obtain a contact on the Wyre countryside team.
Action 11.18/4 – PJ to obtain contact on the Wyre countryside team who might be approached to advise on development of the Common

4.3.3. The development of the Common was discussed. It was agreed that an essential first step would be to consult stakeholders about potential locations for ponds, bird hides, picnic tables, and walks. In particular it was felt that it would be wise to reach out to the Fylde Bird Club, to the Amphibian and Reptile Group of South Lancashire (ARGSL) and to the Commoner who has maintained paths across the Common over recent years.
Action 11.18/5 – MA to liaise with Fylde Bird Club with regard to the provision and location of a bird hide and with ARGSL with regard to the provision and location of shallow ponds
Action 11.18/6 – CB to ask Commoner for advice with regard to potential location of paths and picnic benches

4.4. Financial Matters

4.4.1. A budget for the 2019/20 financial year was discussed. This was reviewed and it was agreed that subject to no significant developments between now and 14th January the Parish Precept for 2019 would remain unchanged for a further year.
Action 11.18/7 – MA to confirm Parish Precept with Parish Councillors and to submit to Wyre Council by 14th January 2019

4.4.2. The Parish Clerk advised that it would be prudent that a plan be prepared ahead of the next Annual Audit of Accounts for the expenditure of the £9,000 ‘windfall’ received by the Parish Council from ENW in April 2017.

4.4.3. The following payments were approved at the meeting: Parish Clerk salary; PAYE payment.

4.5. Wyre-in-Bloom – Cllr. Lingard was congratulated for the floral displays that this year resulted in the award of Silver Gilt honour in the North-West in Bloom competition.

5. Any Other Business

5.1. The state of the hedge on Mill Lane adjacent to Highfield Avenue was discussed and it was proposed that the Parish Clerk might write to the resident asking that action be taken ahead of the matter being raised with LCC Highways Authority.
Action 11.18/8 – MA to write to resident with regard to state of hedge on Mill Lane

5.2. The Parish Clerk suggested that it might be worthwhile to publish a Parish Newsletter in the New Year. Publication items might include an update on the Wyre Local Plan and on Fracking, on the location of defibrillators, and advising residents of Parish Council elections scheduled for May.

5.3. The Parish Council agreed the re-appointment of Cllrs. James, Delaney, and Lingard as representative trustees to join the Inskip-with-Sowerby Thomas Knowles Charity for a four year term of office.

5.4. It was reported that a number of reflective bollards marking the road edge were again missing on Woods Lane. The Parish Clerk agreed to inspect and to report to LCC Highways.
Action 11.18/9 – MA to inspect the condition of reflective bollards on Woods Lane and report to LCC Highways