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Object by 10th Jan 2018 if you want to stop the Fracking Lorries

Object by 10th Jan 2018 if you want to stop the Fracking Lorries

December 16th, 2017

Cuadrilla Revised Transport Strategy

The development of a fracking site at Preston New Road near Little Plumpton is in the news regularly. Many residents will also be aware that this was only the first of two sites selected by Cuadrilla for fracking near here. The second proposed site is at Roseacre Wood, just down the road from Inskip.

Last year, after the original application to frack at Roseacre Wood had been rejected by Lancashire County Council, and after it had been rejected again by the original Planning Inspector on appeal, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government stated that even so he was still “minded” to approve fracking provided the applicants – Cuadrilla – put forward an “acceptable” transport plan.

Many members of the public in Inskip will be aware that Cuadrilla have now submitted their transport plan for approval by the latest Planning Inspector and they propose to route their Heavy Goods Vehicles down our country lanes through the middle of Inskip and right past the Inskip St. Peters School!

A copy of the Cuadrilla revised transport route strategy and related environmental information can be obtained from:

Cuadrilla Elswick Limited
Cuadrilla House
Unit 6 Sceptre Court
Bamber Bridge
Preston, PR5 6AW

Or phone: 0800 170 1115


If, like us, you wish to object to this revised transport strategy and want to stop the Fracking Lorries then as many people as possible need to submit any objections to this proposal by 10th January

Objections need to be placed with Lancashire County Council by 10th January 2018. You can email your objection to:  DevCon@Lancashire.gov.uk or by writing to:

Jonathan Haine,
Development Management,
PO Box 100,
County Hall,
Preston, PR1 0LD

Either way please quote APP/Q2371/W/15/3134385 to Planning Application Ref: LCC/2014/0101. Together we can challenge this latest threat to the peaceful enjoyment of our quiet countryside!

If you need help in what to say in your objection, take a look on the Roseacre Awareness Group website: http://www.ragfrack.co.uk/


It may be worthwhile to tell other key players your views on Fracking. You might also consider lobbying:

Lancashire County Council Highways Department, County Hall, Fishergate, Preston, PR1 0LD

Wyre Borough Council http://www.wyre.gov.uk/ and your local Wyre Borough Councillors Susan Catterall and Sue Pimbley http://www.wyre.gov.uk/councillors

Ben Wallace MP
Top Floor, The Village Centre, Great Eccleston, Lancashire PR3 0YB