Parish Council meeting minutes: July’17
September 22nd, 2017
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on: Thursday 20th July 2017
Cllr Phil James (PJ – Chair)
Cllr Carol Berry (CB)
Cllr Geoff Carter (GC)
Cllr Alan Lingard (AL)
Clerk: Mike Ainsworth (MA)
Members of the Public:
Brian Dearnaley; Eileen Dearnaley; Paul Burrows
Cllr Martin Delaney (MD); Cllr Chris Houghton (CH); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Sue Pimbley; LCC Cllr Vivien Taylor; PCSO Kirsty Newson (Lancs. Constabulary)
Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Sue Pimbley; LCC Cllr Vivien Taylor; PCSO Kirsty Newson (Lancs. Constabulary); Maureen Nield (In Focus); Mark White (LEP)
Meeting opened: 20:00
Meeting closed: 21:55
- Open Forum for the general public
- Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 22nd June 2017
- Matters arising from the last meeting
- Planning applications
- Carrs Green
- Wyre in Bloom
- Correspondence
- Any other business
- Financial matters
Next meeting Scheduled for: Thursday 17th August 2017 at 7pm on Carrs Green
Chair: Cllr. Phil James
Date: 21st September 2017
1. Open Forum – Mr. Paul Burrows discussed his continued use of land at Nelson Gardens and Mr. and Mrs. Dearnaley discussed concerns with the application for planning consent at land north and south of Preston Road (see below paras. 3 and 4, respectively).
2. Minutes of Last Meeting – approved as read.
3. Matters Arising
3.1. The following outstanding actions were cleared:
5.17/4 – liaise with allotment holder. Mr. Paul Burrows agreed to remove his netting frames, cold-frames, and other horticultural equipment and to remove all his plants at the end of the current growing season and make good (other than replacement of turf)
6.17/1 – liaise with Parks Supervisor with regard to tennis court lines
6.17/2 – liaise with Openreach with regard to broadband capacity
6.17/3 – apply for further Transparency Funding to cover expenses for 2017/18
6.17/4 – contact Dewhurst Homes with regard to For Sale sign placed on Common
6.17/5 – Driving the Distance for Dementia. It was agreed to make a donation to Alzheimer’s Society
6.17/6 – SpID placement at Carrs Green
3.2. The following actions were carried forward:
12.16/2 – weeding the parish archive to allow additional storage space in the existing filing cabinet
2.17/4 – liaison with Wyre Council with regard to Local Plan (see para. 9 below for update)
4.17/1 – draft a ‘plan on a page’ for development of the Common as a community resource
5.17/1 – obtain estimate for replacement bench
3.3. With regard to Action 5.17/1 Cllr. Lingard reported that whilst a hardwood garden bench might cost of the order of £400-£600 in contrast he could source a sturdy tanalised softwood bench from Derek Fox and Son in Longridge for approx. £150. The Parish Council agreed that it was worth trialing this style of bench and Cllr. Lingard agreed to purchase on behalf of the Parish Council. Cllr. Lingard also reported that he had repaired the bench on the main road at Carrs Green.
4. Planning Applications
4.1. The following applications were approved by Wyre Council: none.
4.2. The following applications were refused by Wyre Council: none.
4.3. Planning application consultation: 17/00631/REMMAJ – reserved matters application for the erection of 55 dwellings with matters of access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping to be determined following outline approval 16/00481/OUTMAJ for land to the north and south of Preston Road, Inskip. A number of issues were raised with respect to: the placement of social housing; the enclosed path adjacent to existing properties in West Drive; whether the land allocated for a retail unit might be developed in the future for housing; the provision of a footpath on the north side of Preston Road; whether the access road adversely impacts on safety of the bus stop on the north side of Preston Road; the location of single storey and three storey buildings within the development and their visual impact; the choice of bricks and the lack of rendered facades; lack of parking space for residents and visitors; and the impact of losing the layby on the south side of Preston Road.
Action 7.17/1 – MA to submit comments to Wyre Council on planning application 17/00631/REMMAJ (reserved matters application for erection of 55 dwellings at land to north and south of Preston Road)
4.4. Planning application consultation: 17/00667/FUL – replacement front porch, 1 Mill Close. No issues were raised.
4.5. Cllr. James was concerned by a new planning application raised by Create Homes seeking consent to waive the planning condition for provision of 3 affordable dwellings for rental on the basis that none of the social housing providers recommended by Wyre Council had offered to take on these dwellings. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk should express the concern and disappointment of the community and seek clarification from Wyre Council as to how social housing rental provision might be delivered at Inskip.
Action 7.17/2 – MA to submit comments to Wyre Council on planning application 17/00595/DIS2 (discharge of condition 3 with regard to provision of affordable housing)
4.6. Preston City Council planning application 06/2017/0680 – Carr House Farm. Parish Councillors raised concerns with regard to the quantity of traffic generated by the proposed developments at Carr House Farm accessing along the single track road across the Common.
Action 7.17/3 – MA to feedback concerns to Preston City Council with regard to the quantity of traffic generated by the proposed developments at Carr House Farm accessing along the single track road across the Common
5. Carrs Green – the Parish Clerk highlighted the cost estimates that had been prepared for elements of the proposed development. It was agreed that scheduling would be discussed at the next meeting, to be held on the Common.
6. Wyre in Bloom – Cllr. Lingard confirmed that the judging was scheduled for Friday 21st starting at 11:30.
7. Correspondence
MA highlighted the following correspondence to Councillors for consideration:
7.1. Rural Services Network – growing a rural community survey
7.2. BHF – Restart a Heart Day
7.3. Public Health England report “The English National Study for Flooding and Health: First Year Report”
7.4. Wyre Council – advert for canvassers
8. Any Other Business
8.1. The Parish Clerk made a disclosure of interest with respect to the Northern Trust.
8.2. Cllr. Berry asked whether the Catforth Amble would ride across the Common this year.
Action 7.17/4 – MA to liaise with organiser of the Catforth Amble
9. Financial Matters
9.1. Payments approved at the meeting: Clerk salary; PAYE; minor maintenance (padlock); Lengthsman; Wyre-in-Bloom costs; charitable donation to Alzheimer’s Society.
At this point members of the public left the meeting
9.2. With regard to the Wyre Local Plan (Action 2.17/4 refers) Cllrs. James and Lingard reported back on a meeting held with the Wyre Council Chief Executive and with the Wyre Planning Policy Manager and the Parish Clerk reported back on a conversation subsequently held with the land agent from Northern Trust. There was concern that each gave a different perspective and the Parish Clerk was instructed to seek to clarification from Wyre Council to resolve the mixed messages being received.
Action 2.17/4 – carried forward
9.3. Northern Trust had indicated their willingness to gift land for school expansion and to form a village green. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk should seek written confirmation of this.
Action 7.17/5 – MA to seek written confirmation from Northern Trust with regard to gifting land for school expansion and to form a village green
9.4. Wyre Council had advised that the Wyre Local Plan will be published on 30th August prior to the September meeting of the Wyre Council. It was agreed that the Parish Council should call a public meeting to discuss the recommendations for further housing development at Inskip that will be included in the Local Plan and ahead of this the Parish Clerk should draft a parish newsletter for circulation in early September. This should include details of Parish Council engagement in the Local Plan process.
Action 7.17/6 – MA to draft a parish newsletter for issue once the Wyre Local Plan has been published