DRAFT Minutes of the meeting held 15th August, 2024
August 21st, 2024
Please note: These minutes are published in draft formation and will not be approved until the next Parish Council meeting on 19th September 2024 when they may be subject to amendment.
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on: Thursday 15th August, 2024 at YIPs Centre, Inskip
Cllr Samantha Readyhough (SR) Vice Chair
Cllr Phil James
Cllr Geoff Carter
Cllr Nick Danby
Clerk: Susan Gilbert
Members of the Public:
Cllr Carol Berry, Cllr Dean Faria, John Bettle Wyre Council,
Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter
Meeting opened: 19:00
Meeting closed: 21.00
- Open Forum
- Minutes of the last meeting held 18th July, 2024
- Footpaths report – Mr Brian Dearnaley
- Wyre in Bloom – Claire Nash
- Village Plan
- Matters Arising from last meeting
- Highways
- Planning
- Carrs Green
- Defib check confirmation
- Parish Admin
Next meeting Scheduled for: Thursday 19th September, 2024
Status: DRAFT
Chair: Cllr Samantha Readyhough
Date: (aproval date to be inserted)
- Open Forum
1.1 Sgt Elliot Jones introduced himself as the new Police Sergeant Neighbourhood Police for the area and gave an outline of his professional background. He explained that Inskip was relatively quiet and has only had three minor reports recently. He offered his personal mobile number and email address but explained that it was not connected when not on duty. Clerk to put his details on parish noticeboard.
1.2 Mr Tom Hastey introduced himself and gave an outline of his background. He explained that his main concern currently is the closure of Whittle Hill, Woodplumpton and the imminent threat that motorists could meet heavy goods vehicles head on when meeting at the junction. He asked Sgt Jones to join him at the site to explain the potential problem. Sgt Jones agreed to meet with Mr Hastey .
1.3 Cllr James provided background on the Wyre Plan. The Wyre New Local Plan document in circulation was published in June (prior to the general election). The scheduled meeting to present this plan was delayed until the end of July. Up until that time, Councils did not have direction from the new Government and the councils did not forsee any change. However, it has changed dramatically and the requirement has increased from 275 houses per annum to 637 houses per annum. Consequently the document in circulation is subject to change. The Issues and Options Consultation is open to comment up to 10th September, by email, post, letter or submitting the form – not in an anonymous format. The map in circulation shows land the landowner has put forward for development and is not necessarily an indication that it is going to be adopted as the Wyre Plan has four options in the whole of the borough from which it may choose to meet its requirements. Further information can be found on Local Plan Full Review – Wyre Council This website also contains an on-line response form. Responses in writing should be returned to Planning Policy, Wyre Council, Civic Centre, Breck Road, Poulton le Fylde FY6 7PU or by email to planning.policy@wyre.gov.uk. All comments (signed and dated) must be received no later than 5pm on 10th September 2024.
1.4 Residents made comments regarding further building in Inskip as follows:
A resident stated that whether building went ahead or not, he was disappointed by the quality of the build, the lack of footpaths, the flooding to the gardens, the drains etc.
A resident stated that the infrastructure for drainage cannot cope with the amount of houses already in Inskip.
A resident stated that if building expansion went ahead, he would like to see improvement in the state of the roads in particular safety and visibility.
A resident asked whether residents would get an opportunity to respond to decisions made on a new local plan when it is published
A resident asked what complaints were made last time there was opposition to planning and mentioned lack of trains, buses, schools, doctors, dentists, shops, employment A resident made the comment that if people didn’t put forward their objections, then it would be construed that there was little objection.
A resident asked whether an action group could be set up, Cllr Readyhough agreed it would be a good idea. A resident stated that if action was required, in her experience people need to be “spoon fed” and be told what to do and when to do it.
Footnote to the above: Parish Council intend to hold a further meeting when all councillors can be present to agree a response to Wyre Council before 10th September next regarding the New Wyre Plan and will publish their conclusions.
1.5 A resident complained that professional dog walkers were over-filling the bins with dog waste making the bins smell. Clerk to ask Wyre if disposing of waste in this manner by a business is illegal.
- Minutes of the last meeting – held Thursday 20th June, 2024
Approved as read
- Footpaths Report
Mr Brian Dearnaley requested that council put details of the obstructions and their intention to make representations under s130(6) to LCC regarding the lack of action to clear footpath 10 as requested on many occasions over several years. Council agreed to authorize the clerk to make representation to the chief executive of LCC and take advice from Open Spaces.
- Wyre in Bloom
4.1 Inskip In Bloom volunteers have been provided with Hi Vis vests by parish council
5. Village Plan
5.1 Local Plan: An open day was held at Great Eccleston Village Hall on 13th August, at which residents were encouraged to attend. See minutes 1.3 and 1.4 aboveL
5.2 Village Plan: Discussions deferred until a later date
6. Matters arising from last meeting
7. Highways
7.1 Following an incident he witnessed of a bus not picking up passengers on the stretch of road subject to roadworks, Cllr Faria contacted the bus service to request “Not in use” signs be put up on affected bus stops.
7.2 The lengths men have been provided with Hi Vis vests by parish council.
7.3 Two “Grass Cutting in Progress” signs have been purchased for the lengths men to use on main roads
7.4 A 30mph speed restriction will be in place from Crossmoor to Woodplumpton until December to enable maintenance work, this has been published on council website and noticeboards.
- Planning
8.1 Proposal: Proposed side balcony extension (accessed from master bedroom) Location: 29 Derby Crescent Inskip with Sowerby Preston Lancashire PR4 0TQ. Council has no objection.
8.2 A planning application for White House Farm has been declined by Wyre Planning.
- Carrs Green
9.1 Fly tippers have again deposited household rubbish on Woods Lane. After receiving permission from the landowner, council have attached a CCTV sign to the gate between the farmland and the common on Woods Lane to deter fly tipping. Advice has been received from our ground contractor that cutting down a willow tree and a bush on either side of the area would make it more visible and less camouflage for fly tippers. Our contractor has scooped the debris from the ditch and the landowner has cleared it away. A post has been erected to hold a second CCTV in progress sign. Council agreed to ask for the trees to be cut down and to thank Mr Knowles for his input.
- Defib check
In the absence of Cllr Berry, the Defib check has been deferred this month.
11.1 LCC Parish and Town Council Charter Survey: It was agreed that Councillors would complete this survey individually then provide feedback to the Clerk who would complete a survey on behalf of the council.
11.2 LCC Champion Grant application: It was agreed that Councillors would consider this grant opportunity and provide feedback to the Clerk who would complete an application accordingly.
11.3 Cllr Danby is in the process of arranging an “Open Surgery” type meeting with Cat Smith MP in the near future. Further details to follow.
11.4 An application has been made to LCC (Lancashire Community Orchard Grant Fund) Loot4fruit – requesting funding to create a Community Orchard at the rear of YIPs. A reply has been received stating that the area is too small for the amount of trees requested and advice has been given to reduce the numbers or to choose dwarf species. A revised application has been submitted.
11.5 Clerk to contact Graeme Nuttall, Wyre Rangers, to request a cut back and pollard on Carrs Green.
- Parish Admin
12.1 Councillors have been provided with a full breakdown on funds currently held dated 15th
12.2 Chqs presented for signature:
1451- Smart Image – Hi Vis for lengths men/CCTV sign
1452- SSp Direct – Grass Cutting in Progress Signs
1453- Avast – IT security
1454- Avast – IT security from September 2023
1455- Smart Image – Hi Vis for WIB
1456 – Cork lining for Noticeboards
1457 – Ribblesdale Nurseries, WIB plants
1458 – Smart Image – (2nd) CCTV sign
1459- S Gilbert clerks wages
1460 – Wyre Council – rent for land on Manor Road
1461 – LVF Services, lengths men expenses