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Parish Council meeting minutes – March 2021

Parish Council meeting minutes – March 2021

April 15th, 2021

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on: Thursday 18th March 2021 via Skype

Cllr Phil James (PJ – Chair)
Cllr Carol Berry (CB)
Cllr Geoff Carter (GC)
Cllr Martin Delaney (MD)
Cllr Alan Lingard (AL)

Clerk: Mike Ainsworth (MA)

Members of the Public: Messrs. Malcolm Evans; Paul Gibbs; Leigh O’Reilly; Jonathan Palmer

Apologies: Cllr Chris Houghton

Meeting opened: 20:00
Meeting closed: 22:10


1. Open Forum for the general public
2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 18th February 2021
3. Matters arising from the last meeting
4. Planning
5. Carrs Green
6. Financial
7. Any other business

Next meeting Scheduled for: Thursday 15th April 2021 at 8pm


Chair: Cllr. Phil James
Date: 15th April 2021

1. Open Forum

1.1. Mr. Paul Gibbs highlighted the poor state of Woods Lane and was pleased that it was scheduled for resurfacing work this coming year by LCC. He put forward the case that the Common was unsightly now that it was un-grazed and that an avenue of trees across the Common would add to the ambience of the village approach. Cllr. Delaney agreed and also suggested that a line of trees would demarcate the boundary of the settlement and moderate traffic speed. The Parish Clerk noted that a number of alternative measures might achieve this also. Cllr. Delaney agreed commenting that moving the 30mph speed limit back to the Catforth side of the Common would also work, as would the installation of deer warning signs on the Common.

1.2. Cllr. Lingard urged caution against action that might destroy the unique nature of the Common, and this was endorsed by Mr. Malcolm Evans, a member of Fylde Bird Club. Mr. Evans explained that the Common was a unique wetland habitat, of a type becoming rarer and so more valuable by the year and described some of the rare wildlife that might be imperiled if trees were grown that would dry out the soil and change the soils acidity and mineral content. Cllr. Delaney stated that the number of trees suggested, 10 or 15 at most (based on a placement of one every 20-30 metres), might not significantly alter the ecology of the Common. Cllr. Lingard noted that quite a number of trees had self-seeded on the Common and that these would also endanger the ecology and suggested that their removal would to some extent offset any trees planted adjacent to the road.

1.3. Cllr. Berry asked what type of trees were planned as many varieties may not thrive on wetlands. Cllr. James suggested native trees such as oak, ash, chestnut, etc. The Parish Clerk suggested that wetland varieties would be best suited. Cllr. James also commented that planting trees might take away from the open aspect and the scenic view across the Common. He also noted that it would not be possible to plant trees adjacent to the gas pipeline. It was agreed that members of the public should be consulted and that both the case for and that against tree planting should be presented. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk should draft a Parish Newsletter covering this and other matters highlighted during the meeting.
Action 3.21/1 – MA to draft Parish Newsletter seeking views on tree planting on the Common and other issues highlighted at Parish Council meeting

1.4. Paul Gibbs also asked about the establishment of a village shop as part of the Inskip Extension but Cllr. James reminded him of his reply last month, namely that it was likely that the original developer, Northern Trust, would have engaged with retail companies as it would be in their interest for the site to be developed. Nonetheless Mr. Gibbs asked that the matter be followed up and it was agreed that the Parish Clerk should seek assurances from Northern Trust that all efforts had been made to engage with retailers.
Action: 3.21/2 – MA to liaise with Northern Trust about engaging with retailers with regards to village shop

1.5. Mr. Leigh O’Reilly asked about flooding in Woods Lane. It was generally agreed that this had got worse in recent years, though this might be due to weather conditions. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk ask Environment Agency what remedial action they were taking.
Action 3.21/3 – MA to liaise with Environment Agency with regards to flooding in Woods Lane

2. Minutes of Last Meeting – approved as read.

3. Matters Arising

3.1. The Parish Clerk reported that all Actions had been cleared with the following exceptions:
7.19/2 – to ascertain whether LCC will reinstate rumble strips
12.20/3 – interruptions to mobile phone reception in areas of the village
2.21/5 – to investigate costs for grab and bin bags / send letter of thanks to volunteers
2.21/8 – to consult with stakeholders about planting feature trees at Carrs Green
2.21/9 – to ask Wyre Council to deep clean the surface of the Tennis Court and to repaint white lines

3.2. With regards to Action 2.21/5 Cllr. Lingard reported that the cost for grabs and bin bags would be of the order of £10-15. It was agreed that volunteers would be thanked in the forthcoming Newsletter (Parish Newsletter and Parish Website being considered more suitable media than use of private Facebook pages such as Your Inskip) and that the Parish Clerk should liaise with Wyre as to a designated collection point for litter picking bin bags so that they were not left in unsuitable locations.
Action 3.21/4 – MA to liaise with Wyre with regards to agreeing a designated collection point for litter picking bags

3.3. With regards to Action 2.21/9 Cllr. Delaney asked that the Parish Clerk follow up the request for Wyre to deep clean the surface of the Tennis Court and to repaint white lines. It was agreed that Parish Councillors would meet on site at the Tennis Courts on the same date as the proposed site visit to the Common to discuss suggested developments to improve the facilities.

4. Planning

4.1. Parish Councillors had reviewed recordings of the December and January Wyre Council planning committee meetings, which confirmed the view of attendees with regard to the way in which the planning application had been handled. It was agreed that the Parish Council would proceed with raising a complaint and that the Parish Clerk would update the draft and submit a final version for sign off by Parish Councillors.
Action 3.21/5 – MA to update draft complaint with regards to conduct of planning process and submit final version for approval of Parish Councillors

4.2. Mr. Jonathan Palmer confirmed that School Governors had agreed to also raise a complaint independently from that raised by the Parish Council.

5. Carrs Green

5.1. Parish Councillors discussed the design for Information Panels. It was agreed that the first submitted design was preferred to the second and that Parish Councillors would meet on the Common once ‘groups of six’ were permitted.
Action 3.21/6 – MA to arrange site visit (including Common and Tennis Courts) once conditions permit

5.2. Cllr. Lingard asked for the Information Panel text to be amended, eliminating mention of specific management activities and strengthening up on the unique character of the Common and specific rare flora and fauna. It was suggested that a call could be included in the proposed Newsletter for photos of wildlife seen on the Common to be submitted by end of April for inclusion (again, communicating via Newsletter was considered more appropriate than using Facebook – though of course links to the website could be uploaded to Facebook as well).
Action 3.21/7 – MA to amend text for Information Panel

5.3. Cllr. Delaney suggested that the Parish Council consider placing a plaque commemorating the plane crash in 1943. Maybe close to the location of the tractor. It was agreed that this was a good idea.

6. Financial Matters – a quotation for maintaining two oak benches was considered but Cllr. Lingard felt the price quoted was quite a lot as a new bench could be bought for a similar sum and it was agreed to retain the quotation on file.

7. Any Other Business

7.1. Mr. O’Reilly raised a blocked footpath and the Parish Clerk agreed to raise this with LCC if he forwarded details of the report that he had previously raised with Highways.

7.2. Cllr. Carter highlighted a flood on Preston Road outside the entrance to Lodge Court.
Action 3.21/8 – MA to report flood on Preston Road near Lodge Court to LCC Highways

7.3. Cllr. Berry asked if there had been any progress after the use of quad bikes on the Common had been reported to the police. Cllr. Delaney felt that the culprit was local as he had seen the vehicle passing through the village on several occasions. It was agreed that residents should be advised in the proposed Parish Newsletter to be vigilant and report any incidents to the Parish Council or to the police if appropriate.

7.4. Cllr. Lingard proposed that he order £300 of flowers for Wyre-in-Bloom. Parish Councillors agreed this proposal.

7.5. Cllr. James highlighted that Create Homes had raised the land at the junction of Preston Road and Pinfold Lane by about 1 metre resulting in flooding at the junction as rainwater is now running off the land rather than soaking into the land. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would highlight this to LCC Highways and to Wyre Planning.
Action 3.21/9 – MA to report flooding at junction of Preston Road and Pinfold Lane as a result of raising of the adjacent land to LCC Highways and Wyre Planning

7.6. Cllr. Lingard reported back on his meeting with Create Homes and suggested that they would need to be chased up with regards to the actions that they had agreed to do. In addition the Parish Council agreed to ask Create Homes if they would be prepared to install a flagged area with a bench adjacent to the bus stop on Preston Road.
Action 3.21/10 – MA to liaise with Create Homes with regards to providing a bench and flagged area adjacent to the bus stop on Preston Road ( and also to chase up them up on their actions from earlier meeting)

7.7. Cllr. Berry reported that she had checked all three defibrillator today (location of defibrillators to be included in Newsletter).

7.8. Cllr. James highlighted that the dispensation for virtual meetings ceases on 6th May and government has not scheduled an extension. Barristers hires by NALC are seeking a High Court ruling.