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Minutes of August Parish Council meeting

Minutes of August Parish Council meeting

September 22nd, 2021

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on: Thursday 19th August 2021 at Carrs Green Common, Inskip

Cllr Phil James (PJ – Chair)
Cllr Carol Berry (CB)
Cllr Geoff Carter (GC)
Cllr Martin Delaney (MD)
Cllr Chris Houghton (CH)
Cllr Alan Lingard (AL)

Clerk: Mike Ainsworth (MA)

Members of the Public: 11 members of the public present

Apologies: None

Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter

Meeting opened: 19:00
Meeting closed: 20:25


1. Open Forum for the general public
2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 15th July 2021
3. Matters arising from the last meeting
4. Carrs Green
5. Any other business

Next meeting Scheduled for: Thursday 16th September 2021 at 7pm


Chair:  Cllr. Phil James
Date:  16th September 2021

1. Open Forum

1.1. A number of members of the public attended the meeting expressing concern about a resident who appeared to be operating a vehicle repair business from his domestic address and asked for advice and guidance from the Parish Council. Cllr. James advised that the Parish Council had been aware of the situation for some time and had previously made representations to both Wyre Council and LCC Highways. He understood that the Wyre Environmental Health team would need detailed evidence from neighbours before they could take action and that though Wyre Planning Enforcement officers had visited on a couple of occasions unfortunately they had not observed evidence of a business on their visits. Cllr. James stated that there were no further avenues that the Parish Council could pursue other than to escalate the matter further with the Chief Executive of Wyre Council. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk should write further to Mr. Garry Payne at Wyre and also ask whether the resident held a waste disposal licence. Cllr. James encouraged concerned members of the public to do likewise and also to submit evidence to Environmental Health. The Parish Clerk agreed also to chase up LCC Cllr. Salter for a response with regards to Highways concerns.
Action 8.21/1 – MA to write to Wyre Chief Executive with regards to concerns about a member of the public apparently operating a vehicle repair business from domestic premises

1.2. A member of the public Mr. Brian Dearnaley reported that at least last week LCC had made no progress in resolving the obstructions reported on Footpath No.10. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would follow up with LCC Cllr. Salter and ask if there was anyone else who could assist in a speedy resolution to this issue.
Action 6.21/1 – MA to carry forward

1.3. Mr. Dearnaley also asked about the hedge adjacent to the bus stop by the Church, which appears overgrown. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would inspect and write to the resident if appropriate.
Action 8.21/2 – MA to inspect hedge by bus stop and if appropriate to write to resident if it is causing an obstruction to the highway

2. Minutes of Last Meeting – approved with one amendment, namely to correctly spell Mr. Dearnaley’s name in para. 2.

3. Matters Arising

3.1. The Parish Clerk reported that all Actions had been cleared with the following exceptions:

• Rumble strips
• Traffic calming signage
• Deer signage
• Mobile Phone interference
• Open space at Pinfold Lane
• Lengthsman areas of responsibility / No Mow areas – cleared, see para. 3.3 below

3.2. With regards to the level of the public open space adjacent to Pinfold Lane Cllr. James asked that the Parish Clerk follow this up with Wyre urgently as it has been outstanding for two months. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would write to the Head of Planning at Wyre copied to the Chief Executive
Action 8.21/3 – MA to write to Head of Planning copied to Chief Executive at Wyre regards a planning enforcement issue with regards to the level of the land of the public open space adjacent to Pinfold Lane

3.3. With regards to No Mow areas. Cllr. Lingard advised that he had walked round the village with Claire Nash who had first raised the issue and identified just two potential No Mow areas – behind the YIPS building and at the junction of Green Nook and Preston Road. Mrs. Nash had agreed to draw up diagrams showing proposed locations for Parish Council approval. It was noted that with regards to the area behind the YIPS liaison would be required with Wyre who cut the grass there.

4. Carrs Green

4.1. The Parish Clerk reported back on a Zoom meeting a few weeks prior attended by representatives of Wyre, LCC, and Lancashire Wildlife Trust to discuss advice to the Parish Council about preservation of the Common. A site visit was scheduled for next week at which Parish Councillors can attend. The Parish Clerk promised to circulate his notes from the Zoom meeting ahead of the site visit.

4.2. Parish Councillors asked for an update on progress for the works scheduled for the Common as time marches on. The Parish Clerk reminded Parish Councillors that the contractor was now in receipt of the timber required to upgrade the footpath but that Parish Councillors had now asked that the footpath be raised using spoil from the scraping out of ponds and that as a result the contractor needed to supply a new estimate for Parish Council approval. Parish Councillors asked that the Parish Clerk seek an early update on the scheduling of works from the contractor.
Action 7.21/3 – MA to carry forward

4.3. With regards to the proposed Information Panel to be sited in the village by the YIPS the Parish Clerk reminded Parish Councillors that he had suggested some 14 photos of ‘olde’ Inskip for their consideration and that when appropriate photos had been selected he would be able to draft some text to support them. It was agreed that he would prepare a pack of photos for Parish Council approval at the next meeting along with finalized design for the two Info Panels proposed to be located on the Common.
Action 8.21/4 – MA to prepare Info Panel pack for Parish Council review at next meeting

4.4. Cllr. Delaney highlighted the pothole at the junction of the track towards Carr House Farm with the main road. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would report this to LCC Highways, though it was acknowledged that as landowners the Parish Council might be liable if LCC Highways feel that repair is the landowner’s responsibility rather than theirs.
Action 8.21/5 – MA to report pot hole on Preston Road at Carrs Green to LCC Highways

5. Any Other Business

5.1. The Parish Clerk submitted the following payments for approval at the meeting: Clerk salary; PAYE; rental for land at Nelson Gardens; room rental at Inskip Baptist Chapel; Lengthsman’s fees. The Parish Clerk also reported payments that had been received from HMRC (VAT reclaim) and LEF (grant claim).

5.2. Cllr. James noted that though the Parish Council had highlighted to the planning authority at Preston City Council that though the Parish Council have not agreed to the provision of passing places on the track leading towards Carr House Farm or for the placement of household waste bins on Parish Council land adjacent to Preston Road on the Common. This however had not resulted in any change to the plans put forward for the development of Carr House Farm, and that published plans remained unchanged. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would write to the Chief Executive of Preston City Council seeking assurance that both current and future planning consents and applications for discharge of conditions placed on previously approved planning applications would be cognisant of Parish Council objections.
Action 8.21/6 – MA to write to Preston City Council again highlighting that the Parish Council have not agreed to the provision of passing places on the track leading towards Carr House Farm or for the placement of household waste bins on Parish Council land adjacent to Preston Road on the Common

5.3. Cllr. James asked that concerns about the entrance to the public open space on the Create Homes estate from Pinfold Lane be highlighted to Wyre planners. It was suggested that a gate had recently been installed and it was agreed that the Parish Clerk would write to Wyre if on inspection a permanent gate had not yet been installed.
Action 8.21/7 – MA to inspect site and if appropriate write to Wyre planning with regards to concerns about the entrance to the Create Homes site from Pinfold Lane

5.4. Cllr. Delaney asked about the hedges adjacent to the highway footpaths on the Create Homes estate. It is understood that these may have been cut by residents. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would ask Create Homes for confirmation that they are responsible for the maintenance of the hedges on their public access land.
Action 8.21/8 – MA to liaise with Create Home to confirm responsibility for hedge maintenance

5.5. Cllr. Berry reported that she had checked all the defibrillators but noted that the ivy masking the unit at the Derby Arms needs sorting out urgently. The Parish Clerk said that he understood that the unit might be moved to the wall of the main pub building by the chip shop, which would solve the problem. Cllr. Delaney suggested that a further defibrillator might be located at the School. Other suggestions were in Crossmoor and Sowerby. Cllr. Berry agreed to investigate funding for additional units
Action 8.21/9 – CB to investigate funding for additional defibrillator units

5.6. Cllr. Carter reported that the planter on the Common had been repaired gratis by Mr. John Fox. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk should write a letter of thanks
Action 8.21/10 – MA to write letter of thanks for repair of planter on Common

5.7. After member of the public left the meeting Parish Councillors discussed a request from the Lengthsman for an increase in his rates. Parish Councillors agreed what they were prepared to offer and Cllr. Lingard agreed to discuss this with the Lengthsman.
Action 8.21/11 – AL to discuss Parish Council proposal for increase in rate with Lengthsman