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Parish Council Meeting Minutes – May 2019

Parish Council Meeting Minutes – May 2019

June 21st, 2019

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on: Thursday 16th May 2019 at the YIPS Centre, Nelson Gardens

Cllr Phil James (PJ – Chair)
Cllr Carol Berry (CB)
Cllr Geoff Carter (GC)
Cllr Martin Delaney (MD)
Cllr Chris Houghton (CH)
Cllr Alan Lingard (AL)

Clerk: Mike Ainsworth (MA)

Members of the Public:
Claire Nash; Jonathan Palmer; Eileen and Brian Dearnaley

Wyre Cllr Paul Cartridge; Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall

Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Peter Cartridge; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter

Meeting opened: 20:00
Meeting closed: 22:25


1. Open Forum for the general public
2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 18th April 2019
3. Matters arising from the last meeting
4. New Business:
4.1. Planning applications
4.2. Correspondence
4.3. Carrs Green
4.4. Financial matters
4.5. Wyre-in-Bloom
5. Any other business

Next meeting Scheduled for: Thursday 20th June 2019 at 8pm


Chair: Cllr. Phil James
Date: 20th June 2019

  1. Open Forum

1.1.    Jonathan Palmer (JP) raised the issue of speeding traffic on Preston Road near to the School. He reported that he had been liaising with one of the Police Community Support Officers who in turn had contacted the County Council Highways department with regard to the deployment of a SpID. Parish Councillors explained that SpID have been deployed previously by LCC at the request of the Parish Council however LCC tend only to deploy them where they determine the need to be greatest. It was noted that a mobile speed camera had been deployed by Old Hall recently. JP asked whether funds could be made available or could be raised locally for procurement of a SpID or a speed camera and whether traffic calming infrastructure such as chicanes or speed ramps might be deployed. The Parish Clerk confirmed that it was possible to purchase a SpID for dedicated use in the Parish, though this would cost several thousand pounds. Parish Councillors advised that the cost of a speed camera or the introduction of traffic calming infrastructure would be prohibitively expensive and would need to be funded at County level.

1.2.    Cllr. James advised that rumble strips had previously been deployed adjacent to the School though they had now worn down and suggested that it would be reasonable to ask LCC to re-instate these, and also to follow up on our earlier request for rumble strips to be placed at Carrs Green. In addition the Parish Council should ask for a SpID to be deployed on the approaches towards the School.

Action 5.19/1 – MA to liaise with LCC Cllr. Salter with regard to the replacement of rumble strips adjacent to the School and the placement of rumble strips at Carrs Green

Action 5.19/2 – MA to liaise with LCC Highways with regard to deploying a SpID on the approaches towards the School

1.3.    Brian Dearnaley (BD) asked about a recent meeting with Tim Blythe (TB) of the Lancashire County Council Countryside Service. Cllr. James reported that TB had provided extremely helpful advice both on what might be achieved and how it might be funded. He had inspected the route of Footpath No. 15 and proposed how its track might be improved, with plastic duck boards being suspended over the swamp area and the scrapings from the creation of shallow-edged ponds being used to raise the track above the water table. He questioned whether picnic benches would add value and recommended that whilst warning notices were recommended there was little point in fencing off ponds in an area such as Inskip where ponds and dykes are ubiquitous. In addition TB felt that including more information on local footpaths including those towards Catforth might be helpful.

1.4.    The Parish Council commended the voluntary work carried out by BD’s son in clearing a path through the willow thicket at the north-west corner and Cllr. James confirmed it was now possible to follow Footpath No.15 across the stile between the Common and the field to its north-west, though the stile needs some repair and the barbed wire remains hazardous. BD asked whether a willow limb that still partially blocks the footpath as you approach the stile on the field side of the fence might be removed.
Action 5.19/3 – MA to liaise with the landowner with regard to the stile, the barbed wire and the willow limb

1.5.    BD asked that any grant application include funds to cover the cost of adding trees to compensate for those recently removed to open up access to the Common at the north-west corner. It was noted that the Woodlands Trust provide saplings free of charge. Cllr. Lingard expressed concern however that a balance had to be struck between those who would like more trees and those who prefer the Common to remain exactly as they’ve always known it.

1.6.    Claire Nash (CN) asked whether the Parish Council would permit YIPS, of whom she is the newly appointed chair, to erect a marquee for a YIPS Family Day that was planned for September. Parish Councillors confirmed that they were happy for this event to be held subject to confirmation of insurance cover.

1.7.    Cllr. Lingard provided CN with details of the Wyre-in-Bloom judging criteria as she was interested to see how Wyre-in-Bloom could be integrated with the wild-flower/nature “wilding” initiative that the School has introduced.

At this point of the meeting CN and JP left the meeting and the meeting was prorogued for 10 minutes in order to allow the Annual General Meeting to be held.

  1. Minutes of Last Meeting – Cllr. James was concerned that the draft meeting minutes that had been issued for review included an apology for absence received during the course of the meeting but after the meeting had started at 8pm, which was felt to be unacceptable. Amended meeting minutes were approved.
  1. Matters Arising

3.1.    The following outstanding actions were cleared:
4.19/1 – to publicise cycling event
4.19/2 – to obtain further details of LCC public rights of way maintenance scheme: the Parish Clerk reported that he had obtained further information about the scheme and had consulted with the Lengthsman. Both he and the Lengthsman were of the view that the scheme offered exceedingly good value for LCC and was potentially onerous for the Parish Council. It was agreed to abstain from the scheme this year but to review the decision again next season.
4.19/3 – to liaise with LCC with regard to Public Footpath No.15
4.19/4 – to liaise with Wyre Countryside Rangers
4.19/5 – to liaise with Bowling Club with regard to maintenance of Pavilion and grounds

3.2.    The following actions were carried forward:
2.19/3 – track across Common in direction of Carr House Farm
4.19/6 – to liaise with Lengthsman with regard to reclamation of land adjacent to Bowling Club

3.3.    With regard to the dispute concerning the widening of the track across the Common in the direction of Carr House Farm it was agreed that further estimates would be obtaining following the works carried out by a contractor on behalf of the owner of Carr House Farm back in February (Action 2.19/3 refers). Parish Councillors discussed an approach by the owner of Carr House Farm to meet and resolve the dispute. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk should liaise further with the owner.
Action 5.19/4 – MA to liaise further with the owner of Carr House Farm with regard to meeting to attempt to resolve the dispute concerning the widening of the track across the Common

  1. New Business

4.1.    Planning Applications

4.1.1.  The following applications to Wyre Council were noted:

18/00949/DIS – Discharge of Conditions 4 (Landscaping Plans), 7 (Drainage Details) and 8 (Drainage SuDS Management) on planning application 18/00949/LMAJ (Myrepole Farm, Rapley Lane)

4.1.2. The following planning applications were referred by Wyre to the Parish Council for comment:

19/00348/OUTMAJ – outline application for up to 30 dwellings (all matters reserved) at land to south of Preston Road and east of the School: it was agreed that though provision of housing at this location is included in the Wyre Local Plan there are concerns with regard to road safety on the B5269 Preston Road at this location and these need to be addressed before consent is granted. In addition, the need for rumble strips on the road surface at the approaches to the School should also be proposed as part of this development
Action 5.19/5 – MA to provide feedback on outline planning application for the erection of 30 dwellings at land to south of Preston Road and east of the School

19/00378/AGR – prior notification of new vehicular access at White House Farm: as the proposed access was purely for agricultural usage, no comments were raised

4.1.3.  The following planning application from Preston City were noted:

06/2019/0291 – prior notification of change of use from agricultural building to one dwelling
06/2019/0293 – conversion and extension of former piggery to form one dwelling

Parish Councillors felt that Preston City Council should be reminded that a dispute existed between the applicant and the Parish Council who own the land across which the proposed development site is accessed and that the Parish Council are resolved that the track will be re-instated to its original single track width. As a result access to the site by emergency services and for refuse collection might be problematic.
Action 5.19/6 – MA to raise Parish Council concerns with regard to access to the proposed development at Carr House Farm with Preston City Council planning department

4.2.    Correspondence

MA highlighted the following correspondence to Councillors for consideration:
4.2.1.  Blackpool Championship Dog Show – to display notice on website and Parish Council Noticeboards
4.2.2.  Speeding motorists on Preston Road
4.2.3.  Be prepared for flooding – poster to be displayed on website and Parish Council Noticeboards
4.2.4.  Wyre Mayor – Civic Sunday Service
4.2.5.  Letter of complaint to Create Homes – matter resolved by Parish Clerk. Create Homes are now deploying cones to prevent parking opposite houses at West Drive
4.2.6.  LCC – Welfare Rights Service overview
4.2.7.  Invitation to LALC Conference, programme and booking form
Action 5.19/7 – MA to display Dog Show and “Be Prepared for flooding” notices on website and Parish Council Noticeboards

4.3.    Carrs Green

4.3.1.  Parish Councillors discussed practical steps to be taken for the development of Carrs Green starting with the proposed improvements to Footpath No.15 and it was agreed that Cllr. Lingard would carry out a site survey, draft a specification of works and obtain two estimates that could be used to support any future grant application. The Parish Clerk agreed to draft aspects of a grant application firstly for internal review and later for review by Tim Blythe.
Action 5.19/8 – AL to carry out a site survey, draft a specification of works and obtain two estimates that could be used to support any future grant application for improving access to the Common via Footpath No.15
Action 5.19/9 – MA to draft aspects of a grant application for improving access to the Common via Footpath No.15, firstly for internal review and later for review by Tim Blythe

4.3.2.  Cllr. Berry reported that she had observed an organised Dog Training event on a field adjacent to the Common where cars had been directed to drive across the Common along the track adjacent to the Tank Trap and park on the Common. She had taken photos and the Parish Clerk reported that he had applied to DVLA to identify the registered keepers of the cars. If DVLA do provide the details then it was agreed that the Parish Council would write to the registered keepers explaining that driving cars on the Common is not allowed without prior permission and that action will be taken for trespass in the event of any recurrence.

4.3.3.  Further Fly-tipping was reported on the track at the top of Woods Lane by the Willows. As it was on Parish Council owned land it was our responsibility to resolve
Action 5.19/10 – CH to ensure the removal of rubbish dumped on the Common at the top of Woods Lane

4.3.4.  Cllr. Berry reminded the Parish Council that it had been proposed to thank the lady who had been clearing litter on the Common. The Parish Clerk said that he would need contact details.
Action 5.19/11 – MD to provide contact details so that the Parish Clerk can write a letter of thanks to the lady who has been clearing litter on the Common

4.4.    Financial Matters

4.4.1.  The Parish Clerk reported that the Internal Auditor had now signed off the financial accounts for the financial year ending 31st March 2019. The final steps to completion of the mandated Annual Governance and Accountability (AGAR) Part 2 documentation were for the Parish Council to now sign off the Accounting Statement for 2018/19 and to complete the Certificate of Exemption where the Parish Council declares itself to be exempt from the requirement for external audit. The Parish Council resolved to approve the Accounting Statement and to issue the Exemption Certificate, which were duly signed off on behalf of the Council by the Parish Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer and by the Chair of the Parish Council.
Action 5.19/12 – MA to submit Exemption Certificate plus Contact Details form to External Auditor
Action 5.19/13 – MA to publish mandated information on website and make accounts available for public scrutiny over prescribed period

4.4.2.  Payments approved at the meeting:  Clerk Salary; PAYE; Parish Council Insurance; Lengthsman; minor maintenance expenses.

4.5.    Wyre-in-Bloom – Cllr. Lingard reported that he had attended a Wyre-in-Bloom meeting last week and had also met with Create Homes who will arrange for their gardeners to tidy up their site and plant up the planters on Preston Road nearby Pinfold Lane. In addition to ordering the flowers he would also need to replace some planters at the top of Derby Crescent whilst remaining within the overall budget of £600. He had asked for judging to be carried out on Friday 5th July. Cllr. James confirmed that printing of the Brochure was in hand.

  1. Any Other Business

5.1.    Cllr. Lingard raised the issue of residents parking on the Bowling Green Car-Park. It was agreed that the situation needed to be monitored.

5.2.    Cllr. Houghton reported that the 30mph sign approaching the village from the Crossmoor direction had been rotated 180˚.

5.3.    Cllr. Berry said that whilst there were clear benefits in spending surplus Parish Council funds on developing the Common it might be wise to retain some funds for investment in traffic management schemes, as many members of the public might consider investing in a SpID to be at least as worthwhile as maintaining footpaths on the Common

5.4.    Cllr. Delaney said that water pressure in the village had dropped dramatically last week and this had been reported to United Utilities (UU). It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would also report this to UU.
Action 5.19/14 – MA to report low water pressure to United Utilities

5.5.    Cllr. James proposed that a letter of thanks be sent to former Wyre Cllr. Sue Pimbley for all the help that she had given during her term of office.
Action 5.19/15 – MA to write letter of thanks to former Wyre Cllr. Pimbley

5.6.    The Parish Clerk reported that he had received complaints about the incidence of dog faeces on Preston Road near to the School and down School Lane. It was agreed that this should be reported to Wyre Council.
Action 5.19/16 – MA to report incidence of dog faeces on Preston Road near to the School and in School Lane to Wyre Council