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Parish Council Meeting Minutes – May 2018

Parish Council Meeting Minutes – May 2018

June 22nd, 2018

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on:  Thursday 17th May 2018 at the YIPS Centre, Nelson Gardens

Cllr Phil James (PJ – Chair)
Cllr Carol Berry (CB)
Cllr Geoff Carter (GC)
Cllr Martin Delaney (MD)
Clerk:  Mike Ainsworth (MA)

Members of the Public:   none

Cllr Chris Houghton (CH); Cllr Alan Lingard (AL); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter

Parish Councillors; Joanne Porter (Wyre Council); Wyre Cllr Susan Catterall; Wyre Cllr Sue Pimbley; LCC Cllr. Matthew Salter; PCSO Kirsty Newson (Lancs. Constabulary); Maureen Nield (In Focus)

Meeting opened:          20:05
Meeting closed:            21:50


  1. Open Forum for the general public
  2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 19th April 2018
  3. Matters arising from the last meeting
  4. New Business:

4.1.    Planning applications
4.2.    Correspondence
4.3.    Carrs Green
4.4.    Financial matters
4.5.    Wyre-in-Bloom

  1. Any other business

Next meeting Scheduled for:  Thursday 21st June 2018 at 8pm

Chair:  Cllr. Phil James
Date:  21st June 2018

  1. Open Forum – no members of the public were present.
  1. Minutes of Last Meeting – approved as read.
  1. Matters Arising

3.1.    The following outstanding actions were cleared:

8.17/1 – to seek further quotation for cost of re-instatement of track from B5269 towards Carr House
4.17/1 – Carr House Green development: to consult other local and national stakeholders
4.18/1 – to advise Programme Officer of those Wyre Local Plan Public Examination sessions that the Parish Council wished to attend
4.18/3 – to submit comments on proposed 100% increase in NOWCard discretionary charges
4.18/4 – to prepare and circulate an updated Parish Council Risk Register
4.18/5 – to obtain additional quotation for Parish Council Insurance. Cllr. Delaney reported that NFU Mutual were not in a position to offer a comparable specialist Parish Council Insurance policy and it was agreed to renew with Zurich Municipal for a further year. An issue was raised as to whether additional cover existed for ‘Directors & Officers’ acting on behalf of the Parish Council to indemnify individual Councillors for ‘wrongful acts’ in their capacity as a Councillor. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would clarify this with the Insurer and obtain an additional quote if appropriate.

Action 5.18/1 – MA to confirm that Parish Council Insurance indemnifies individual Councillors for ‘wrongful acts’ in their capacity as a Councillor

3.2.    The following action was carried forward:

4.18/2 – to draft Parish Newsletter. The Parish Clerk had produced four drafts of a newsletter, but as it has yet to be issued it was agreed that a further draft would be prepared for end of next week

  1. New Business

4.1.    Planning Applications
4.1.1.  The following applications were approved by Wyre Council:

17/00964/NONMAT: to alter front elevation window arrangement: 2 New Cottages Sowerby Road
18/00179/FUL: erection of three detached garages and hardstanding with change of land use at Mid Fylde Piggeries

4.1.2.  The following planning appeal was refused:

APP/U2370/W/17/3190676: application for removal of condition of planning consent at 1 Maple Cottages, Sowerby Road

4.1.3. The following new applications were considered:

17/00631/DIS1: application for discharge of Condition 11a (to submit a survey to establish the prior condition of Preston Road prior to the commencement of any works)

18/00380/ADV: two non-illuminated ‘V’ shaped free standing signs and erection of seven 6m high flagpoles with flags at land to north and south of Preston Road. Councillors questioned the material proposed for the flags, and concerns were raised with regard to noise impact of the proposed 1 meter rotating suspension arm. In addition Cllr. James mentioned that previously a sign had been erected without a planning application having been made.

Action 5.18/2 – MA to submit Parish Council concerns with regard to the proposed flagpoles to Wyre Planning
4.2.    Correspondence

MA highlighted the following correspondence to Councillors for consideration:

4.2.1.  Complaint about public nuisance of building works at Preston Road. The Parish Clerk reported that he had progressed this matter with the Head of Planning at Wyre and with Create Homes;

4.2.2.  LCC consultation on street lighting maintenance. No comments raised;

4.2.3.  LCC Road Closure notification: Moorside Lane, Woodplumpton on 29th – 31st May;

4.2.4.  Wildflower survey of Carrs Green, which showed only two thirds the number of wild flower species in 2017 when compared to a previous survey in 2002 (64 compared to 96);

4.2.5.  Pollution incident at Inskip Brook below Dead Dam. The Parish Clerk stated that he had reported the incident to the Environment Agency. On a related matter, he reported that he had sought an update from the Wyre “Making Space for Water” coordinator with regard to United Utilities and Lancashire County Council work to resolve flooding at the foot of Derby Crescent;

4.2.6.   Open Spaces Society – request for donation. It was noted that the most recent contribution was as recent as January of this year.

4.3.    Carrs Green

4.3.1. The Parish Clerk had issued a consultation letter to national and local stakeholders describing the proposed development of Carrs Green Common. He reported that the National Commons Officer from Natural England had made contact in response to the Parish Council consultation and had provided valuable feedback. Her advice was that the consultation might be widened to address whether Commoners, residents, and other stakeholders accept that the Common can no longer be maintained as meadow and whether they are content for some or all of it to revert to woodland, with the inevitable impact on the landscape and wildlife diversity. If the Parish Council or stakeholders want to maintain meadow there are a couple of options, one being mechanical mowing, but it was accepted that this would require funding that is not available to the Parish Council. Another option would be to widen the criteria for grazing, potentially allowing other species to be grazed, or offering grazing to non-Commoners.

4.3.2.   Whilst it was accepted that Commoners had the first call to graze the land, if they declined then it would be acceptable for the Parish Council as landowners to seek alternative grazing options. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk should write to Commoners asking if they wished to exploit their existing grazing rights, if not whether they were content for the land to revert to woodland and explaining that the Parish Council were considering offering grazing on a wider basis in order to address the agricultural surplus.

Action 5.18/3 – MA to write to Commoners with regard to the agricultural surplus on the Common

4.3.3.  The National Commons Officer also suggested that if the Common were allowed to revert to woodland that this would make an excellent long term project for local schools and colleges.

4.3.4. Parish Councillors also discussed how to proceed with the proposal to develop paths across the Common. It was proposed that the Parish Clerk seek technical advice and guidance on landscaping, design, and path-building from Myerscough College. In addition it was proposed to liaise with Inskip St. Peters School with regard to involving the School in plans to develop the Common.

Action 5.18/4 – MA to seek technical advice and guidance on landscaping, design, and path-building on the Common from Myerscough College

Action 5.18/5 – MA to liaise with Inskip St. Peters School with regard to involving the School in plans to develop the Common

4.3.5.  The Parish Clerk reported that the owner of Carr House Farm had made contact as he wished to settle the dispute relating to the widening of the track across the Common. He had again stated that he was prepared to re-instate the track to its former width but requested that we retain three passing places of some 6 metres in length. He also asked for details of the compensation that the Parish Council sought for the erection of a ‘For Sale’ sign on the Common of the type demolished on two previous occasions. Parish Councillors remained resolute that the track should be re-instated to its former width and that appropriate compensation would be expected for any enhancement to the track that in effect improved the Carr House Farm property. Parish Councillors refused to consider the erection of a ‘For Sale’ sign on the Common. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would provide feedback to the owner of Carr House Farm and also liaise with the solicitor appointed by the Parish Council Insurers.

Action 5.18/6 – MA to advise the owner of Carr House Farm that the Parish Council require the track across the Common to be reinstated and to liaise with the Solicitor accordingly

4.4.    Financial Matters

4.4.1.  The Accounting Statement in the Annual Governance and Accountability Return were signed off by the Parish Clerk as Responsible Officer and by the Parish Council Chair Cllr. Phil James as presenting fairly the financial position of the Parish Council and its income and expenditure.

4.4.2.  The Parish Clerk confirmed that the Accounts will be published on-line in conformance with the Transparency Code and a public notice will state when and where the full accounts can be inspected by members of the public.

Action 5.18/7 – MA to submit Annual Governance and Accountability Return to the External Auditors, to publish on-line in conformance with the Transparency Code, and to issue a public notice stating when and where the full accounts can be inspected by members of the public

4.4.3.  Parish Councillors discussed the impact of the introduction next week of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It was accepted that the Parish Council would need to ensure that work practice was in line with GDPR guidelines. The Parish Council walked through the criteria for registration (notification) with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). Parish Councillors concluded that as the Parish Council only processes personal information for the purposes of staff administration and for the keeping of accounts and records it does not need to notify.

4.4.4.  Parish Councillors reviewed the updated draft Risk Register circulated by the Parish Clerk. It was agreed that the Clerk should highlight for attention items where further action was required.

Action 5.18/8 – MA to highlight Risks from the Risk Register for Parish Council attention

4.4.5.  Payments approved at the meeting: Clerk Salary; PAYE; Lengthsman fees.

4.5.    Wyre-in-Bloom – the Parish Clerk reported that Cllr. Lingard had attended the WiB funding meeting. The Parish has been allocated a budget of £600 to spend on floral displays and judging is scheduled for Friday the 20th of July at 09:00.

  1. Any Other Business

5.1.    Defibrillator check. Cllr. Berry reported that the defibrillator pads at YIPS and Derby Arms showed as ‘half lit’ whilst that at Inskip Baptist showed as ‘fully lit’. There was concern that this might indicate that the pads might need to be replaced soon.

Action 5.18/9 – MA to confirm with Cllr. Houghton whether the defibrillator pads needed to be replaced

5.2.    Concerns had been raised about on-street parking on Preston Road adjacent to Create Homes development. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk write to Create Homes asking about availability of parking on-site.

Action 5.18/10 – MA to write to Create Homes about on-street parking on Preston Road and availability of parking on-site

5.3.    Cllr. James provided a report of the first day of the Public Examination of the Wyre Local Plan. The Parish Clerk reported that LCC Cllr. Salter had volunteered to attend the session next week when aspects of the Inskip Extension are considered. Cllr. James advised the Clerk that a key point to emphasise next week related to the fact that development to the north of Manor Road constituted an incursion into open countryside whilst in contrast development to the south of Preston Road would constitute a natural rounding off of the village profile.